A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Stationers of London; 1554-1640 A. D. 5v. Lond. 1875-1894). By the Star Chamber decree of 1637, continued
in essentials by 13, 14 Charles II, and by 1 James II, c. 17 and 18, and finally expired in 1694, the licensing
power for books of kw was vested in certain judges; of history, in the secretaries of state; of heraldry, in the earl
marshall; of all other books, in the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London. In this year the evi-
dence of the Stationers' register indicates that one James Fraser was acting as licenser for the secretaries of state.
(For information as to the practises of the Stationers Company and the operation of the Licensing Act, see the
several prefaces of the Arber "Transcript" and the Roxburghe Club supplement referred to above; for a brief
and interesting discussion, see Birrell, Augustine. Seven Lectures on the Law and History of Copyright in Books.
Lond. 1899. passim.)
The London reprint of the Maryland "Declaration" is analogous in many details to "The Declaration of the
Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent", which occupies pp. 7-19 of By-
field's "An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration ... [as above] April
18, 1689. Licensed June 27, 1689. J. Fraser.", printed in London in 1689 by Ric. Chiswell, who to his reprint of
the "Declaration" appends a note asserting that it had been "Printed according to the copy Printed in New
England by Samuel Green, 1689." Evans, No. 491, locates one copy of the American edition of the Boston
"Declaration" in the Massachusetts State Library and one in a private library. Another, according to Charles
M. Andrews, Narratives of the Insurrections, p. 169, is in the Public Record Office.
The London reprint of the Maryland "Declaration" was reprinted in Magazine of American History, v. I,
1877, and in Charles M. Andrews, Narratives of the Insurrections, 1675-1690, published in 1915 as one of the
"Original Narratives of Early American History" series. The manuscript version, with the eight signatures of
the leaders of the Association is in the Public Record Office (C. O. 5/718) whence it was copied in Archives of
Maryland, 8: 101.
Copies of the London reprint described above are to be found in: JCB. LC. BM. BODLEIAN (three copies).
Leiter Collection, which has the Brinley copy.
3. [CONEY, PEREGRINE. A Sermon preached before His Excellency and both Houses of As-
sembly of Maryland on Wednesday the 26th of September, 1694. By the Reverend Pere-
grine Coney. St. Mary's City: Printed by William Nuthead. 1694.]
No copy of this sermon has been recorded. On Sept. 27,1694 (Archives of Maryland, 19:40) the Upper House
"Ordered that thankes be Returned to Mr. Coney and Mr. Hewet for their Sermons preached yesterday being
the day appointed for the ffast. And that Mr. Coney be desired to print his Sermon". A brief account of this
clergyman is found in Allen, St. Ann's Parish.
4. [CONEY, PEREGRINE. A Sermon preached before His Excellency and both Houses of As-
sembly on Thursday, the 7th of May 1696, being the Day set apart for a Solemn Thanks-
giving for His Majesty's Success and Safe Arrival. By the Reverend Peregrine Coney. An-
napolis: Printed by Dinah Nuthead. 1696.]
No copy recorded. See Archives of Maryland, 19: 313, 316 and 362, where the suggestion "That Mr. Couey
[sic] be desired to Print his Sermon preached yesterday" made by the Upper House on May 8th was answered
next day by the delegates as follows: "Resolved that the thanks of this house be returned Mr. Peregrine Couey
[sic] for his thanksgiving Sermon, preached on Thursday last being the Day sett apart for a Solemn thanksgiv-
ing for his Ma'tys Success and Safe Arrivall." Three days before the Upper House suggested that this sermon be
printed, its members had read, approved and passed on to the Lower House Dinah Nuthead's petition to be
allowed to establish her press in Annapolis. See Chapter One of the foregoing narrative.
5. BRAY, THOMAS. The | Necessity | of an Early | Religion | Being a | Sermon | Preach'd
the 5th. of May before the | Honourable | Assembly of | Maryland | By Thomas Bray D. D.|
Annapolis Printed by Order of the | Assembly By Tho: Reading, for Evan Jones Book-|
seller, Anno Domini 1700.]
Sm. 4to. [A]1, B-C4, Da; 11 leaves; pages [i-iil, 1-20; p. [i]: tide, verso: "May the 9th. 1700. Ordered that Doc-
tor Bray be Returned Thanks for his Excellent Sermon on that Text, Remember thy Creator in the days of thy
yoath, [sic] &c. And desire the same to be printed. Tho: Smithson Speaker."; pp. 1-20: text, with heading, A 1