corporations which are assessable on shares, are duties imposed bj
law directly on the State Tax Commission. The Act of 1914, Chap-
ter 789, should be repealed and the provisions of the law restored
as they stood between 1908 and 1914.
Provision should be made for completing the records of corpora-
tions in all of the Clerks' offices since the passage of the Act of 1914,
Chapter 789, went into effect, and providing for the recording of the
certificates of all corporations heretofore recorded in the office of
the Secretary of State in the office of the Commission, or the trans-
fer thereto of the original records from the office of the Secretary
of State. Ho change was made in the above-mentioned Act of 1914
concerning the recording of amendments to charters. These amend-
ments are recorded in the office of the State Tax Commission and
then sent to the Clerks' offices where the original certificates of incor-
poration are recorded.
Under the present laws there is a lack of uniformity in the dates
fixed for the filing of reports with this Commission. This condition
causes confusion and great annoyance. Banks and other domestic
corporations taxable on shares are required to report on or before
the 15th day of March in each year. There is no date fixed in the
law within which "ordinary business" corporations are required to
report as regards their personal property, but in the exercise of its
powers the Commission has fixed the first day of March. The Act
of 1914, Chapter 324, providing for the taxation of such corpora-
tions, already contains a specific provision that the annual corporate
franchise tax shall be based upon the amount of authorized capital,
unless on or before the first day of March an affidavit (made by two
directors) is filed with the Commission showing the amount of out-
standing shares, in which ease the franchise tax is imposed on the
latter basis. Corporations and others paying a gross receipts tax,
report to the Commission on or before the 15th day of April, while
those corporations which pay a franchise tax on savings deposits
report on or before the first day of May. Reports for the assess-
ment of distilled spirits must be filed on the first day of January.