tion for investments of its capital in mortgages on real or
leasehold property liable to taxation, credit d in pursuance
of the Act of 1880, Chapter 122, and the State taxes on the
value of the shares of stock, after deducting the assessed value
of such real property, and the credits for such tax paying in-
vestments of parts of their capital, and the amounts of such
The aggregate amount of such mortgages held by home-
stead and building associations, and allowed under Chapter
122, of the Acts of 1880, is $4, 415, 245. 75.
This table contains the assessment of many corporations,
the shares of capital stock of which, have never been assessed
previous to the present year.
The amount of the assessed value of the real property of the
banks, insurance companies and miscellaneous corporations
contained in Table B, for which certificates have been re-
turned to this office, for the year 1881, is $20, 302, 619. 01.
Table C exhibits in detail the total amount of deposits in
the several savings institutions, the amount not hearing in-
terest and in small accounts under one hundred dollars each,
the assessed value of the real property of the institutions,
the amount invested in mortgages, the amount invested in
U. S. Bonds and other non-taxable securities, the amount
invested in stocks of the State and City of Baltimore, or in
shares of hanks or other corporations, on which the State
taxes have been paid or are payable, the amount liable to
taxation for State purposes and the State tax thereon.
The total deposits in 1881, as reported by the several in-
stitutions is $24, 582, 591. 77, amount not bearing interest or
in accounts under one hundred dollars each, $1, 600, 725. 48,
assessed value of their real property, $529, 227. 00; invested
in mortgages, $3, 423, 591. 83; amount invested in U. S.
Bonds and other non-taxable securities, $12, 119, 527. 50;
amount invested in securities on which the State taxes are
paid, $310, 526. 50; amount of deposits liable to taxation,.
$6, 508, 993. 46; and State tax thereon, $12, 373. 10.