Border State Perpetual Building Association of Baltimore City................
359,693 50
56,594 00
303,099 50
Borden Mining Company of Allegany County ...........................................
240,000 00
232,600 00
13 87
Belyidere Hall Association of Allegany County........................................
12, 000 00
12,000 00
Baltimore and Liberty Turnpike Company...................................................
14.275 00
2,050 00
22 95
Baltimore Savings, Loan and Trust Company............................................
37,779 00
37,779 00
Baltimore Permanent Building and Land Society....................................
219,857 85
157,493 20
62,364 51
Baltimore and Powhatan Railway Company ...........................................
36,000 00
67 50
Baltimore Bridge Company ......................................................................
500 00
Bal timore Hydraulic Cement Pipe Works.................................................
5,000 00
9 37
Baltimore Plow Company.......................................................................
10,000 0!.
18 75
Border State Perpetual Building Association No. 2, of Balto. City ..........
4,816 00
4.816 00
Bochemie Workingmen's Permanent Building Asso. No, 1, of Balto. City...
3,552 97
6 66
Baltimore Sheep Batchers' and Wool Pulling Association........................
18,438 00
18 43 8 00
Beaver Creek and South Mountain Turnpike Co., Washington County.
2,373 00
4 45
Baltimore Pearl Hominy Company............................................................
33,000 00
61 87
Beividere Land Improvement and Building Association, of BaJro. City....
40,200 00
40,200 00
Baltimore and Reisterstown Turnpike Co..................................................
57.720 00
108 23
Baltimore and Hall Springs Railway Company........................................
6,324 00
11 86
Baltimore Retort and Fire Brick Works of Baltimore City........................
21,823 00
21.823 00
Beehive Building Association No. 2, of Baltimore City..............................
11.888 00
11,880 00
Butchers' Building Association Ho. 1, of Baltimore City............................
2,379 00
4 46
Baltimore Dry Dock Company..............................................................
540,633 00
540,633 00
Baltimore Title Company of Baltimore City..............................................
5,400 00
10 12
Baltimore Stock Excbange Building Company.........................................
10,000 00
18 75
Brooklyn Company of Anne Arundel County...........................................
14,200 00
14,200 00
Baltimore Stockyard Company of Baltimore County.................................
200,000 00
41,880 00
375 00
Chesapeake Guano Company of Baltimore City ......................................
100,000 00
23,500 00
143 44
Citizens' Railway Company of Baltimore.................................................
500,000 00
76,000 00
795 00
Consolidated Gas Company of Baltimore..................................................
4,260,000 00
2.557.255 00
3,192 65
Chesapeake Marine Railway and Dry Dock Company of Baltimore City.....
22,059 00
41 36
Carriage and Toy Company of Baltimore City...........................................
5,000 00
9 37
Carrollton Savings and Loan Association of Baltimore City........................
8,068 00
8,068 00
Corner Hill and Sharp Street Building Association No. 2, Balto. City.......
9,766 00
9,766 00
Central Union Permanent Building Association of Baltimore City.............
42,534 00
3,222 00
39,312 00
Caroline Street Permanent Building Association No. 1, Baltimore city..
5,433 41
5433 41
Chester Bridge Company.........................................................................
9,880 00
18 52
Chester River Steamboat Company............................................................
63,750 00
11,900 00
97 22
Carried forward......................................................................
$36,619,899 53
$9,108,952 01
$1,304,724 7f
$683,042 28
$47,978 46