TABLE E.—Continued.
Brought forward................................................................................
$18,690,550 30
$1,637,138 00
$532,390 41
$31,081 08
COUNTY BANKS. — Continued.
Washington County National Bank of Williamsport...................................
205,000 00
19,486 00
5,000 00
338 46
Associated Firemen's Insurance Company.................................................
264,000 00
30,937 00
55,956 24
332 07
American Fire Insurance Company...........................................................
181,405 00
40,188 00
22,357 48
222 86
Baltimore Fire Insurance Company............................................................
Firemen's Insurance Company.................................................................
460,000 00
546,000 00
41,501 00
61,875 00
194,194 50
200,722 13
420 57
631 38
German Fire Insurance Company...............................................................
675,000 00
76,552 00
1,122 09
Home Fire Insurance Company.................................................................
Howard Fire Insurance Company.............................................................
110,000 00
260,000 00
16,068 00
14,419 00
61,700 00
24,875 00
60 43
413 82
Maryland Life Insurance Company............................................................
Maryland Fire Insurance Company...........................................................
Merchants Mutual Insurance Company.......................................................
150,000 00
100,000 00
260,000 00
68,525 00
80,000 00
37,000 00
55,000 00
2,706 00
95,123 00
49 64
32 43
239 77
Mutual Life Insurance Company — Assets...................................................
15,933 00
3,187 00
23 90
National Fire Insurance Company............................................................
230,000 00
40,000 00
25,760 06
308 06
Potomac Fire Insurance Company.............................................................
80,100 00
76,370 00
6 99
Peabody Fire Insurance Company.............................................................
German-American Fire Insurance Company.............................................
163,200 00
172,494 00
46,125 00
127,878 00
20,000 00
5,000 00
182 02
74 28
Allston Company of Baltimore........................................................
33,750 00
33,750 00
American District Telegraph Company of Baltimore City............................
90,000 00
.168 75