Showing in detail the Aggregate Value of the Shares of Capital Stock of each Corporation, as assessed by the State
Tax Commissioner for the year 1881 ; the assessed value of its real property; the amount of credits allowed
for tax-paying investments of part of its capital, under section 88 of the Act of 1874, chapter 483; the amount
'of credits allowed under the Act of 1830, chapter 122, to each homestead or building association, for its mort-
gages on real or leasehold property liable to taxation, and the State Tax on the balance of the value of its
shares of stock, after deducting its real property and credits as aforesaid.
Bank of Commerce...................................................................................
$ 202,500 00
$117,542 00
$159 29
Chesapeake Bank....................................................................................
504,319 20
65,084 00
$ 99,802 82
636 43
Commercial and Farmers National Bank...................................................
543,313 60
16,167 00
988 39
Citizens National Bank.............................................................................
750,000 00
90,421 00
1,236 71
Drovers and Mechanics National Bank....................................................
213,400 00
27,025 00
347 77
First National Bank.................................................................................
1.387,500 00
50,000 00
2,507 81
Farmers and Merchants National Bank....................................................
731,250 00
35,525 00
103,193 00
1,110 99
Franklin Bank.........................................................................................
277,112 50
84,923 00
3GO 36
German Ameerican Bank............................................................. _ .........
276,841 00
10,387 00
499 60
German Central Bank.............................................................................
17,974 00
33 70
German Bank.........................................................................................
300 000 00
245,732 00
5,197 50
92 01
Howard Bank..........................................................................................
190,000 00
20,524 00
317 77
Merchants National Bank........................................................................
1,890,000 00
50,000 00
3,450 00
National Marine Bank.............................................................................
389,639 00
49,213 00
638 30