Grant Coal Company, Allegany County ..........................::.....................
20,000 00
George Schwenu Building Association No. 2, of Baltimore City................
15,125 25
5.979 75
17 15
German Buildiug and Savings Association No. 4, of Baltimore City.............
25,704 00
25,704 00
Greenmount Mutual Building Association of Baltimore City.......................
70,028 00
5,478 00
64,550 00
George Washington Building Association, E, of Baltimore City ..............
7,671 00
14 38
George Washington Building Association, F, of Baltimore City..................
29,292 55
6,456 00
22,836 55
George Washington Building Association, G, of Baltimore City..................
20,794 35
3,891 00
16,903 35
George Washington Building Association, H, of Baltimore City................
17,539 80
4,610 00
12,929 80
German Homestead Association of Baltimore City.....................................
3,210 00
3,210 00
Germania Savings Association No. 2, of Baltimore City..............................
28,600 00
28,600 00
Germania Good Will Building Association of Baltimore City....................
8,327 25
8,327 25
German Building and Savings Association No. 5, oft Baltimore City..........
8,592 00
8,592 00
Gardenville Permanent Loan Association of Baltimore County.....................
11,704 00
1,800 00
1,200 00
16 32
Gray Manufacturing Company.................................................................
84,500 00
71,200 00
24 94
Grant building Association of Baltimore City...........................................
25,700 00
25,700 00
German Central Building Association No. 2, of Baltimore City....................
8,680 00
8 680 00
Gaithersburg Mutual Building Association of Montgomery Couny ............
3,762 00
3,762 00
Great Eastern Building Association No. 6, of Baltimore City......................
7,ft71 75
14 20
Green Castle and Williamsport Turnpike Company.....................................
840 00
1 57
German Building Association No. 3, of Ellicott City...................................
6,068 OC
6,068 00
Granite Rooting Company of Baltimore City...............................................
4,000 00
7 50
Germania Building Association No. 15, of Baltimore City........................
10,285 00
19 28
Germania Building Association No. 16, of Bal timore City...........................
10,388 00
19 48
Germania Building Association No. 17, of Baltimore City.........................
2,953 00
5 54
Gough Street Building Association No. 6, of Baltimore City .....................
12,611 25
23 65
Gustav Adolph Building and Loan Association of Baltimore City ................
6,376 85
11 96
German Building and Savings Association No. 5, of Baltimore City............
8,5"J2 0(,
8,592 00
Germania Club House Association of Baltimore City.................................
29,420 Oil
29,420 00
Garv Manufacturing Company of Howard County .....................................
145,820 00
142,700 00
5 85
Harlem Stage Company of Baltimore City................................................
22,500 00
10,929 00
21 69
Hagerstown and Sharpsburg Turnpike Company.........................................
13,905 00
800 00
24 57
Hagerstown Gas Light Company..............................................................
28,125 00
52 73
Hagerstown and Waynesborough Turnpike Company ...............................
13,165 00
700 00
23 37
Harmony Perpetual Loan and Savings Company of Baltimore City............
13,894 75
13,894 75
Hanover Loan and Savings Company of Baltimore City............................
27,315 05
1,744 00
25,571 05
Hagerstown Steam Engine and Machine Company of Baltimore City.........
36,500 00
8,233 00
53 00
Home Building Association of Cumberland................................................
63,830 00
34,072 00
29,767 00
Carried forward................................................................................
147,093,745 53
$15,838,304 01
$1,308,674 76
$1,827,870 69
$52,752 12