the whole on the condition of the State, if required by seven
Members; which Committee may originate bills or resolu-
tions. Bills on their third reading, and all other matters on
their second reading, shall, if required by five members, be
committed to a Committee of the Whole House.
In forming a Committee of the Whole House, the Speaker
shall leave his Chair, and a Chairman to preside in Commit-
tee, shall be appointed by the Speaker.
Upon bills, resolutions, reports, orders, or other matters
committed to a Committee of the Whole House, the same
shall be first read throughout by the Clerk, and then again
read and debated by clauses, leaving the title and preamble
to be last considered. The body of the bill, resolution, re-
port, order, or other matter, shall not be defaced or inter-
lined, but all amendments, noting the page and line, shall be
duly entered by the Clerk on a separate paper, as the same
shall be agreed to by the Committee, and so report to the
House. After report, the bill, resolution, report, order, or
other matter, shall again be subject to be debated and
amended by clauses.
The Rules of Proceedings in the House shall be observed
in a Committee of the Whole House, as far as applicable.
No Standing Rule or Order shall be rescinded or changed
without one day's notice being given of the motion therefor.
Nor shall any rule be suspended, except by a vote of at least
two-thirds of the members present.
Eeports of Committees on subjects of a private or local na-
ture shall not, in future, be entered in extenso on the journal;
but the favorable or unfavorable character, only, of such re-
ports shall be placed on the journal.