Every Bill shall receive three readings in the House, on
three different days of the Session, previous to its passage,
unless three-fourths of the Members of the House otherwise
determine ; the first of which readings shall he by the title
only, unless a majority of the House shall otherwise order.
The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and if
opposition be made to it, the question shall be : "Shall this
Bill be considered?" If no opposition be made, or if the
Question to consider be decided in the affirmative,, the Bill
shall go to its second reading without a Question.
All Bills of a local character and of a partial operation,
received from the Senate, shall be referred to a Select Com-
mittee of three Members, to be appointed by the JS'peaker; and
Bills of a public or general character, received from the Sen-
ate, relating to subjects upon which Committees have been
appointed, shall be referred, severally, to the Committee to>
which the same belong respectively.
Every Resolution originating in this House, or received
from the Senate, shall be read on two several days, with an
intermission of one day at least, during which time it shall
lie on the table, for the perusal of Members, unless on very
urgent occasions, the House, by special order, two-thirds of
the Members present agreeing, dispense with the rule ; which
order shall be entered on the Journal.
No resolution shall have a second reading, or a bill a third
reading, until every Member in the city shall be called upon
to attend, (if required by three Members,) except he be ex-
cused by the House for indisposition, or a necessary attend-
ance on public business ; but calls of the House shall be made
if required by seven Members, at any time, when a subject is
tinder consideration.
All joint resolutions which have been once read, and are
entitled to a second reading, and all bills which have been
once or twice read, and are entitled to a second or third read-
ing by the Rules of the House, shall be arranged every
morning agreeably to seniority, by the clerk, placed on the
Speaker's desk, taken up by him in due order, the date of
their last reading announced, and read a second or third time,
although no motion for a second or third reading may have
teen made.