cond place from the consideration that the State armories
were not in a fit condition for their reception, to say nothing
of the delay and cost of unpacking and re-packing the same.
In furtherance of our object, we procured the services of H,
C. Hicks, Esq., to act as Agent to inspect the arms and see
that they conformed and were equal to the samples furnished
and to forward them under orders received from the Adjutant
General to the different Military companies throughout the
State and to pay the cost of transportation. For these servi-
ces he was to receive the sum of $500.
The warehouse of Woolford & Patterson had been selected
as a proper depository for the arms. From this place I con-
tinued to distribute them by forwarding from time to time,
orders on the agent in favor of the different Military compa-
nies throughout the State up to the 19th of April last, when
during the excitement in Baltimore, I learn from the agent
aforesaid, that the place of deposit was forcibly entered and
the arms, &c., remaining undistributed taken violent posses-
sion of and borne off—there were at the time 370 Infantry
arms and accoutrements and sixteen Cavalry arms and ac-
coutrements. I have not as yet been able to ascertain in
whose possession the arms, &c., are.
Enclosed I send you a statement of the arms, &c., distribu-
ted, with the names of the companies and counties—paper
marked No. 1 contains an account of the Infantry arms and
paper marked No. 2. of the Cavalry arms distributed.
In haste I remain, sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
N. BREWER, of Jno.,
Adj. Gen. of Md.
Harford, Conn., 12th May, '60,
Governor HICKS,
Annapolis, Maryland.
SIR:—By request I sent to-day per Express, to your ad