INDEX. 467
Order, that be required to ascertain and report
at an early day to the House, what standing ap-
propriations, offices and compensations, if any,
can be reasonably dispensed with or diminished,
and generally, what reduction in the expenses of
the State can properly be made, adopted, 301 ;
motion to rescind the order; rejected, 326.
Petition of A. B. Davis to be relieved of the
payment of a certain tax on commissions ; refer-
red to, 339.
Leave granted to report a bill to repeal sections
10 to 16 inclusive of Article 84, of the Code of
Public General Laws, 347.
Bill reported from, making appropriation for the
payment of the expenses of the General Assem-
bly, for 1861; read the first, second and third
times, and passed, 380; returned from Senate
passed, 381.
Bill reported from to provide for the payment of
the printing, &c., of the extra session, and passed,
382 ; returned from Senate passed, 384.
WORCESTER COUNTY—Resolution requesting the Adju-
tant General to furuish to Capt. H. H. Houston,
of the Newton Atlantic Volunteers, forty Minnie
rifles with their accoutrements, upon his giving
bond to the State of Maryland, with security for
their safe keeping and return according to law ;
and if no rifles can be obtained, then their place
to be supplied by muskets ; read a first time, 84;
read a second and third time by special order,
and passed, 112; returned from Senate rejected,
Order, that the Adjutant General be directed
to furnish Worcester county with sixty Minnie
Rifles, &c., adopted, 148.
Petition of citizens of Somerset county and, for
a modification of the stay law; referred to the
Judiciary committee, 182.
Petition of W. S. Wheaton and other citizens
of, for an alleged destruction of property; refer-
red to committee on Claims, 182.