INDEX. 465
against loss of property; referred to committee on
Claims, 339.
Bill to authorize Mount Zion Church in, to dis-
pose of certain real estate ; reported and passed,
338 ; returned from Senate passed, 360.
Senate bill to authorize the Commissioners of,
to guarantee the bonds of the Western Maryland
Railroad Company ; referred to,
Petition of State Tax collectors of, asking for
a, law to allow payments into the Treasury to be
made in current funds ; referred to committee of
Ways and Means, 213 ; unfavorable report there-
on, 248.
Mr. Winans excused from serving on, 17.
Mr. Brune appointed on, 17.
Ordered that the, take into consideration the
propriety of reporting a bill for the re-assessment
of the real and personal property of this State,
adopted, 19 ; reported inexpedient, 65.
Leave granted, to prepare and report a bill appro-
priating two millions of dollars to be expended in
placing the State of Maryland in a complete condi-
tion of organization and defense, under such di-
rection as the General Assembly may hereafter
provide, 23.
Petition to relieve the securities of Alexander
Knott, late sheriff of Caroline county; referred
to, 68; rejected, and recommitted, 122 ; reported
favorably, and passed, 131.
Message from the Governor relating to Mary-
land Penitentiary; referred to, 78; bill reported
making an appropriation therefor; read a first time
and, by special order, the second and third time,
and passed ; returned from Senate passed, 113.
Senate bill to release the sureties on the offi-
cial bond of Samuel L. Duhamel, late collector of
taxes in Queen Anne's county ; referred to, 81;
reported, 97 ; read a second and, by special order,
a third time, and passed, 104,