consideration, 42 ; Clerk of House directed to send
copy of petition to Alexander Wilson, elected
from said county in 1859, 53 ; resignation of A.
Wilson as member of the House received and ac-
cepted, 137.
Petition from citizens of, against the passage of
the Public Safety Bill, referred to special commit-
tee, 95.
Andrew McIntyre, delegate to House from,
qualified and took his seat, 161.
Message from Governor transmitting returns of
special election in, referred to Committee on Elec-
tions, 167.
Leave granted delegations from Harford county
and, to bring in a bill to exempt citizens of said
counties on the head waters of Chesapeake Bay
from the provisions of the 1st to the 12th sections
inclusive of article 48, of Public GeneraiLaws re-
lating to wild fowl, 168 ; bill reported to modify
said sections and read a first time, 194 ; bill re-
ferred to a select committee for amendment, 216 ;
reported favorably, read a second time, and re-
jected by striking out the enacting clause, 232.
Leave granted, to report a bill to amend article
8, of the Code of Public Local Laws, so far as re-
lates to the powers granted to the President and
Commissioners of the village of Port Deposit by
adding thereto the following act of incorporation,
184 ; bill reported, read a first, second and third
time and passed, 197.
Leave granted delegation from, to report a bill
to make valid the title of Benjamin Hanna to cer-
tain lands situated in Cecil county, devised to
him by his father, John Hanna, 228 ; bill repor-
ted, read a first, second and third time by special
order and rejected, 246; reconsidered, 247 ; read
a third time and passed, 252 ; returned from Sen-
ate, passed, 289.
Petition of citizens of, protesting against the
vote of Mr. Maxwell of, on Mr. Chaplain's resolu-
tions, and requesting him to resign, which was
read, 268.