400 INDEX.
and tenants, read the first, second and third time,
and passed, 355; returned from Senate passed,
BALTIMORE COUNTY—Petition of citizens of, against the
passage of the Senate committee of Safety Bill, re-
ferred, 70; similar petition, referred, 73; two sim-
ilar petitions referred, 112.
Bill relating to Druid Hill Park in, see Balti-
more City.
Petition of citizens of, asking for a sovereign
convention of the people, referred to committee on
Federal Relations, 96; similar petition, same ref-
erence, 111.
Petition of Matthew Burtori to make valid a
deed, referred to delegation from, 162; bill re-
ported for his relief and referred to committee on
the Judiciary, 174; reported favorably, read a first,
second and third time, and passed, 185 ; returned
from Senate passed, 238.
Leave granted delegation from, to bring in a
bill for the benefit of the Baltimore and Liberty
Turnpike company, 169; bill reported, and read
a first time, 176; read a second and third time by
special order, and passed, 190; returned from
Senate passed, 231.
Bill from select committee to make valid the
qualification of John Merryman as first lieutenant
of the Baltimore county Horse Guards, read a first
and, by special order, a second and third time, and
passed, 211; received from Senate passed, 285,
Leave granted select committee to report a bill
to incorporate the Baltimore, Catonsville and Elli-
cott's Mills Passenger Railway company, 213 ; bill
reported, read a first, second and third time, and
passed, 263.
Leave granted delegation from, to report a bill
to authorize the Trustees of Garrison Forrest
Academy in, to transfer a lot of land to the Trus-
tees of the M. E. Church, 237 ; reported favora-
bly, read a first, second and third time by special