INDEX. 395
ing the various channels of trade and communica-
tion, referred to committee on Federal Relations,
Report of Board of Police Commissioners of,
presented and 3000 copies ordered to be printed,
Memorial of Confectioners of, for authority, to
keep their stores open on Sunday, referred to del-
egation from, 67 ; similar memorial 210, order
that the delegation from, report a bill to permit
'the sale of confectionery, fruit and cigars, on Sun-
day, in Baltimore, rejected, 210.
Petition of citizens of, in regard to rebuilding the
Bridges and removing obstructions upon the lines
communicating with Baltimore referred to Com-
mittee on Federal Relations 67, similar petition
from citizens of, referred, TO.
Petition of the Union Convention of, against the
passage of the bill before the Senate providing for
the appointment of a committee of Public Safety, 70.
Leave granted to delegation from, to bring in
a joint resolution for the appointment of Commis-
sioners to contract for the manufacture and pur-
chase, and the repairing of arms for this State, to
be held subject to the order of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, 84.
Memorial from Merchandise Brokers of, to sus-
pend the collection of licerse of $300 yearly, &c.,
until 1863, on account of the depressed state of
trade, referred to committee of Ways and Means,
Order that the delegation from, inquire, under
what authority, and by what right the property
of Martin Kavanaugh and others was seized in
the name of the State, on and after the 19th of
April last, and what means of redress the parties
have for damages sustained thereby, referred to
delegation from, 97.
Special committee reported favorably upon the
bill to amend the 4th article of the Code of Public
Local Laws relating to the city of Baltimore, by
adding thereto the following section, "giving au-
thority to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, to issue certificates of debt to any amount