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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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land, McIntire, Maxwell, Miller, Legg, Kessler, Claggett,
Johnson, Salmon, Naill, Goldsborough, Warfield, Brune.
Winans, Harrison, Thomas, Wallis, Sangston, Morfit, Scott,
Wilson, Bayless, McCoy, Brining, Fiery, Griffith, Gordon,
Barnard, McCleary, Mills, and Turner.

The proceedings of yesterday were read.

On motion of Mr. Maxwell,

Leave was granted to the committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill to amend the present Stay Law.

On motion of Mr. Thomas,

Leave was granted to the committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill to amend an act entitled, an act to incorpo-
rate the Curtis Creek Wharf and Rail Road company.

On motion of Mr. Maxwell,

Leave was granted to a select committee of three to in-
troduce a bill to amend the charter of the United Cities
Land company;

And Messrs. Maxwell, Gordon and Durant, constituted
said committee.

Mr. Kessler presented the petition of Mr. Wolfe and one
hundred other citizens of Hauver's District, Frederick county,
against the removal of the polls;

Which was referred to the Frederick county delegation.
Mr. Sangston, from a select committee, made the following


The special committee appointed under the resolution of
June 11th, 1861, to examine generally into the affairs of the
Maryland Penitentiary, beg leave respectfully to report, that
they organized in the city of Frederick on the 25th of June,
and selected Mr. Thomas H. Moore, as clerk, and adjourned
to meet on the 1st of July, in the city of Baltimore, at the
Maryland Penitentiary.

Their duties, as pointed out in the resolution and order
above referred to, consisted of an investigation of the follow-
ing matters:

1st. The memorial of John H. Duvall and William How-
ard, asking relief from losses growing out of the destruction
of their property by fire.


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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