several motions shall have precedence in the order in which
are here stated.
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be
decided without debate.
Any Senator may call for a division of the question when the
sense will admit it.
When a question has once been made and carried in the
affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of
the majority to move for the re-consideration thereof; excepting
in cases where the question has failed for the want of a Consti-
tutional majority, when it shall be in order for any member,
voting on either side of the question, to move for the re-consid-
eration thereof; but no motion for the re-consideration of any
vote shall be in order after a Bill, Resolution, Message, Report,
Amendment or Motion, upon which the vote was taken, shall
have gone out of the possession of the Senate, announcing
their decision ; nor shall any motion for re-consideration be in
order, unless made on the same day on which the vote was
taken, or within the next two days of actual session of the Senate
The Reading Clerk of the Senate shall lay upon the desk
of the President, every morning, all Bills, Resolutions and
Motions depending before the Seriate, in the order of time in
which they were reported or presented for consideration ; ami,
at all times while the Senate is sitting, when no motion is under
consideration, the President shall, without any motion, take up
said Bills, Resolutions and Motions, in the above order, and
propose them for the consideration of the Senate ; and they shall
then be considered and acted upon, unless postponed by order of
the Senate.
Whenever any Bill, Resolution, Report or other proposition
shall have been read through a second lime, with or without
amendment, the President shall propound the question : "Shall
this Bill, (Resolution, Report or other proposition,) be en-
grossed for a third reading ?" If decided in the negative,
the Bill, &c., shall be rejected ; if in the affirmative, it shall
be engrossed and read a third time, according to the rules of
the Senate.
No amendment shall be received at the third reading of any
Bill, Resolution, Report or other proposition originating in the