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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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354 INDEX.

An act in relation to, 211, 217, 242.

OFFICERS—Ordered, that the Governor be requested to fur-
nish the Senate all the military appointments
and civil appointments made by him since May,
1860, 165, 166, 218, 219.

ORDERS—Committee of five to recommend for action of
Senate such business most necessary for immediate
consideration, 6, 7.

Senate met at 10 o'clock, A. M., until otherwise
ordered, 16.

Five hundred copies of bill providing for the
safety and peace of the people be printed, 34.

That the Senate adjourn until Monday, 34.

That one hundred copies of rules and regula-
tions of Senate be printed, 39.

That J. B. Corbin act as Sergeant-at-Arms
during the sickness of the present Sergeant-at-
Arms, 61.

That the Commissioners appointed to wait on
the President make their communication in pres-
ence of both branches of Legislature, 69, 70, 71.

That the Sergeant-at-Arms be required to re-
main in Frederick during the recess and take care
of the Senate chamber, 113.

That it be entered on the journal of the Sen-
ate, that the Senator from Baltimore city is de-
tained from his seat by sickness, 166.

ORDERED—That the Safety Bill be recommitted, 67.

That the President be authorized to appoint a
clerk to the Committee on Federal Relations, 67.


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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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