352 INDEX.
MILITIA—The Governor be requested to furnish the state-
ment of facts which induced him to reclaim the
arms from the military of Baltimore city, and
place them in Fort McHenry, 143, 152, 153, 154.
Leave to report a bill to pay a portion of 16th
regiment of Maryland militia, which performed
guard duty at armory at Frederick, 162, 164,
171, 177.
That the Governor be requested to send to the
Senate a list of all military and civil appoint-
ments made by him since the 10th day of March,
1860, 165, 166, 218, 219, 259, 260.
An act to make valid the qualification of John
Merryman as first lieutenant of the Baltimore
County Horse Guard, 168, 203, 213, 214.
Leave to report a bill to abolish the State arm-
ories at Easton and Frederick, and authorize said
real estate on which said armories are located to
be sold, and the proceeds to be placed in the
treasury, 228.
An act to repeal sundry articles of the Code of
Public General Laws, and of the Code of Public
Local Laws, in relation to the uniform and militia
and volunteer forces in the several counties of this
State, and in the city of Baltimore, and for the
custody, control and re-delivery of arms hereto-
fore delivered to the officers and men under them,
234, 250, 264.
An act to make valid the qualification of all
military officers who have been appointed since
the enactment of the Code of Public General
Laws, 247.
Report and resolution relative to reclaiming the
arms from the different military companies of the
State by the Governor, and depositing such arms
so reclaimed in Fort McHenry, majority and mi-
nority reports, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257,
An act to provide for the payment of a sum of
money to Captain Becklie, of the United Guards
of Frederick county, for services rendered, 290,
291, 293, 294, 296, 300, 303.