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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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344 INDEX.

To authorize the County Commissioners to re-
build the Court House, 83, 88, 89, 93, 94, 109,
110, 111.

Petitions of three hundred and ten voters of
Jackson District, asking an immediate adjourn-
ment of Legislature sine die, 140.

Petition of fifty-four others praying the Legis-
lature to adjourn forthwith and without delay,

Petition of sundry citizens for an immediate
adjournment sine die, 143, 150.

Petition of Charles F. Wenner to the Governor
relative to the seizure of his canal boat and grain
by Virginia troops, 146, 147, 148, 149.

To authorize the commissioners to purchase of
Thomas H. O'Neal all the field notes, plats and
surveyor's books, &c., now in his possession, 150,
155, 156, 159.

Leave to report a bill to authorize the commis-
sioners to build a new Court House, to borrow
money on the credit of the county, to issue bonds
for the same, &c., &c., &c., 195, 169, 173, 189,

Memorial of Thomas Duvall and fifty other
citizens of Urbana District, requesting the Leg-
islature to adjourn, 172.

A bill to pay a portion of 16th regiment of
Maryland militia, which performed guard duty
at armory at Frederick, 162, 164, 171, 177, 182,
183, 190, 191.

An act to divide the western poll of District
No. 2 into two polls, 183, 270, 274.

An act to provide for the payment of a sum of
money to Captain Becklie, of the United Guards,
for services rendered, 290, 291, 293, 284, 300, 303.


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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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