1861.] OF THE SENATE. 147
the business of forwarding grain and other produce over said
canal to the terminus thereof at Georgetown, in the District of
Columbia—that for the prosecution of said business, he owns two
canal boats, to each of which are attached three hands for the
management of the boats, and four mules, and has a warehouse
for the storage of grain purchased by him or left with him on
commission at Berlin; that on the 22d day of April, instant, he
he had a boat loaded with grain on its way to Georgetown, and
he left his home and went to Georgetown for the purpose of dis-
posing of the cargo, and inquiring into prices of grain at that
market, in order to determine on the time when he should ship
the grain then in his warehouse ; that being advised by his com-
mission merchant at Georgetown that prices were high and rising,
he on the same day of his arrival, (Tuesday, the 23rd inst.,) started
for home, and riding all night on horseback, reached his home,
at a distance of fifty-five miles from Georgetown, about sunrise
on Wednesday morning, the 24th instant; that he immediately
caused his boat, then at Berlin, to be loaded with the grain then
in his warehouse, using great exertions to have it loaded as
quickly as possible, in order to avoid probable detention on
account of the water, which was being let out of certain portions
of the canal for repairs; and that about 12 o'clock, M., on Wed-
nesday, the 24th day of April, his said boat was loaded, and he was
about to dispatch her to Georgetown, when a detachment of mili-
tary rode up to him and demanded that said boat and cargo should
be delivered up to them; that the officer in command of said
squad, or detachment, announced that he acted under the order
oi the commander of the military force of the State of Virginia,
then stationed at Harper's Ferry; that the undersigned imme-
diately protested against the act, claimed that he was a citizen of
Maryland, and in no way amenable to the authorities of Virginia,
and refused to surrender his property, then in Maryland, to any
authority of Virginia, but stated that he was always ready to obey
the authorities of his own State of Maryland; that the officer in
command stated that the commander at Harper's Ferry was in cor-
respondence with ydur Excellency, and he believed had authority
from your Excellency for the seizure then being made; that the
undersigned, refusing to surrender his property unless the orders
of your Excellency were inspected by him, a soldier was dispatched
to Harper's Ferry to procure said orders, and, in the meantime,
the boat and cargo were taken possession of; and on the repre-
sentation of the undersigned, that if said boat and cargo were
detained until the arrival of said messenger, that the water would
be so much lowered that he would not be able to proceed to
Georgetown, in case the order of your Excellency, authorizing
said seizure, should not be produced, the officer in command de-
termined that the undersigned should conduct said boat to the
Point of Rocks, a distance of six miles, guarded by his detach-