1861.] OF THE SENATE. 141
WEDNESDAY, June 5th, 1861.
Mr. Kimmel presented the petition of John Zimmerman, of N.,
and fifty-four others, praying the Legislature to adjourn forth-
with, and without day.
Also, the memorial of Ben. F. May, Alexander Evans, Samuel
Smith, and one hundred and fifty-six others, citizens of Cecil
county, respectfully representing their alarm at the propositions
before the General Assembly of Maryland, declaring their fixed
determination to resist, if necessary, by force, any attempt to
drag Maryland into collision with the General Government.
Also, the petition of Alexander Evans, J. T. McCullough,
Samuel Hickey, H. A. Hall, and seventy other citizens of Cecil
county, solemnly protesting against the appointment by the Le-
gislature of ambassadors, under the title of Commissioners, to
other States, as a palpable violation of the United States Consti-
tution; declaring, in their opinion, that the Delegates chosen
under the reign of terror in Baltimore city should at once retire
permanently from the positions they hold. They protest emphati-
cally against the so-called Bill of Ratification of outrages lately
commuted in the city of Baltimore, and that the Legislature
should immediately adjourn sine die.
Also, the memorial of A. H. Bennett, Henry H. Mullen, and
seventy other citizens of Cecil county, protesting most solemnly
against sending ambassadors, under the style of Commissioners,
to the other States of the Union.
Also, memorial of Wm. Jones, John Harris, James A. Davis,
and ninety-five citizens of Cecil county, under date of the 14th
of last month, remonstrating against the passage of the bill re-
pealing the 63d Article of the Code of Public General Laws,
which provides for the enrollment of the militia of the State; pro-
testing against the strange flag floating over our soil on the Ma-
ryland Banks of the Potomac river, and other matter, and advis-
ing the General Assembly to adjourn forthwith, as they can do
no good for the people.
Also, memorial of William Boyd, Benj, C. Biddle, and other
citizens of Cecil county, protesting against the sending by the
Legislature of ambassadors to other States, as a clear violation of
the Constitution of the United States; and solemnly protesting
against the call of a Convention to determine whether the people
of Maryland shall remain citizens of the United States, etc., etc.;
protesting most solemnly against the passage of the so-called Bill