vember 1, 1753, that no person did ''persuade or
endeavor to persuade him, to send his son Thomas
Sprigg or any other of his children to St. Omers
Gent., by 1734; Esq., by 1759; a member of the
South River Club, Anne Arundel County. OC-
CUPATIONAL PROFILE: merchant, 1733; planter.
Beginning in the 1730s Turner frequently lent
mortgage money and was a litigant in many cases
where he recovered judgments. PUBLIC CAREER.
George's County, 1738 (Arms and Ammuntion),
1739-1741 (Accounts Cv-3; Arms and Ammu-
nition Cv, 3), 1742-1744 (Accounts 1, 2; Arms
and Ammunition 1, 2), 1745 (Accounts; Arms
and Ammunition), 1745/46-1748 (Accounts Cv
1, 1-3, 4; Bills of Credit Cv 1; Arms and Am-
munition Cv 1, 1-3, 4), 1749-1751 (Elections
Cv-3; Laws 3; Accounts Cv-3), 1751-1752
(Elections 1, 2; Accounts 1, 2; resigned before
the 3rd session of the 1751-1754 Assembly to
become sheriff of Prince George's County). LO-
CAL OFFICES: justice, Prince George's County,
1732-1739 (quorum, 1738-1739); appointed
commissioner to resurvey the town of Upper
Marlborough, 1744; sheriff, Prince George's
County, 1753-1756. WEALTH DURING LIFETIME.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: owned 10 slaves, Patuxent
Hundred, Prince George's County, 1733. LAND
AT FIRST ELECTION: ca. 737 acres in Prince George's
County (purchased 950 acres in Prince George's
County, 1723-1734; obtained 226 acres in Bal-
timore County through marriage to his first wife;
inherited 1 lot in Londontown from his father,
1722; sold at least 439 acres in Prince George's
and Baltimore counties, plus the lot in London-
town, before his first election). SIGNIFICANT
DEATH: obtained a 664-acre tract in Prince
George's County by 1753, and sold or deeded to
his children 653 acres of this tract by 1760; also
sold 460 acres in Prince George's County in 1745;
deeded as a gift 50 acres in Prince George's County
to his son, 1760. WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED: on No-
vember 3, 1760, in Prince George's County. PER-
SONAL PROPERTY: TEV, at least £510.1.8 current
money (including 7 slaves, 5 mulattoes with stip-
ulated years of servitude remaining, and "a few
books"). LAND: ca. 238 acres in Prince George's
BEALE) (1727-1794). BORN: on November 2,
1727, in St. Anne's Parish, Anne Arundel County;
eldest son. NATIVE: third generation. RESIDED: at
his plantation on the north side of the Severn
River, Anne Arundel County. FAMILY BACK-
GROUND. FATHER: Thomas Worthington (ca. 1691-
1752/53). MOTHER: Elizabeth Ridgely (?-1734).
BROTHERS: Thomas (1731-died young); Nicholas
Worthington (1734-1793). SISTERS: Ann (1713-
died young); Sarah (1715/16-?); Elizabeth (1717-
?); Katherine (1720-1788); Rachel Ridgely (1722-
?), Thomasine (1724-?); and Ariana (1729-?).
FIRST COUSINS: Samuel Worthington (1734-1815);
Henry Ridgely (1728-1791); Elizabeth Ridgely
(1737-by 1761), who married Thomas Dorsey (?-
1790); and Sarah Ridgely (1745-?), who married
Charles Greenbury Griffith (1744-1792). NEPH-
EWS: John Griffith Worthington (1764-1797);
Thomas Dorsey (?-1790). NIECES: Catherine
Worthington (1761-1814), who married Baker
Johnson (1747-1801); Eleanor Dorsey, who mar-
ried Upton Sheredine (1740-1800). MARRIED his
first cousin Anne (1725-?), daughter of Henry
Ridgely (?-1750) and wife Elizabeth Warfield
(?-1762). Anne was the niece of Elizabeth Ridgely
(?-1734), who married Thomas Worthington (ca.
1691-1752/53). Her brothers were Greenbury
(1726-1783); Henry Ridgely (1728-1791); Nicho-
las (1729/30-1732); Benjamin (1731/32-?); Joshua
(1733/34-?); Charles Greenbury (1735-?);
Thomas (1740-?); and Nicholas Greenbury (1742-
?). Her sisters were Katherine (1723-ca. 1751),
who married Capt. Philemon Dorsey; Elizabeth
(1737-by 1761), who married Thomas Dorsey (?-
1790); and Sarah (1745-?), who married Charles
Greenbury Griffith (1744-1792). Her first cousins
were Brice T. B. Worthington (1727-1794); Ni-
cholas Worthington (1734-1793). Her niece was
Ann Dorsey (1740-1795), who married John
Dorsey (1734-1779). CHILDREN. SONS: Henry (?-
1808); John (?-ca. 1817), who married Christina,
daughter of Jeremiah Magruder (1731-1798); and
Brice Thomas Beale, Jr. DAUGHTERS: Elizabeth
(?-1815); Sarah, who married in 1783 Basil Simp-
son; Henrietta (?-by 1818), who married in 1797
Basil Simpson; and Polly (1768-?), who married
John Tolley Worthington (1760-1834), son of
Samuel Worthington (1734-1815). Two of Wor-
thington's children, Henry and Elizabeth, were
blind; another son, Brice T. B., Jr., while literate,
required maintenance by his brother John after
their father's death. PRIVATE CAREER. EDUCA-
St. Anne's Parish, Anne Arundel County. SOCIAL
STATUS AND ACTIVITIES: Mr., by 1753; Gent, and
Hon., by death. OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE: mer-