Jenifer (1723-1790)), Term of 1781-1786: 1781-
1782 (president), 1782-1783 (president, but re-
placed in this capacity on December 24, 1782)
1783, 1784 (president, but replaced in this ca-
pacity on January 13, 1785, after requesting a
leave of absence), 1785 (president, but replaced
in this capacity on January 18, 1786, after re-
questing a leave of absence), Term of 1786-1791:
1786-1787 (president during the 1st session, but
replaced in this capacity on January 8, 1787, after
requesting a leave of absence; reelected president
for the 2nd session, but replaced in this capacity
on May 20, 1787, after requesting a leave of ab-
sence), 1787-1788 (president during the 1st ses-
sion, but replaced as president on May 15, 1788,
because of illness; reelected president on May 25,
1788), 1788 (president, but replaced in this ca-
pacity on December 16, 1788, after requesting a
leave of absence), 1789 (did not attend), 1790
naval officer of Patuxent, 1767-1777; Council,
1771-at least 1774 (qualified on September 23,
1771); commissioner for the construction of bea-
cons on the shores of the Potomac River, ap-
pointed 1776; Councils of Safety, Western Shore,
3rd, 1776, 4th, 1776, 5th, 1776-1777; Constitu-
tion Ratification Convention, St. Mary's County,
1788 (president); governor, 1791-1792. LOCAL
OFFICES: warden, All Faith Parish, St. Mary's
County, 1757-1758, 1762-1763; justice, St. Mary's
County, 1757-at least 1768 (quorum, 1764-at
least 1768); St. Andrew's Parish Vestry, St. Mary's
County, 1764-1767, 1768-1771, 1773-1776, 1779-
1783, 1786-1788, 1789-1792; warden, St. An-
drew's Parish, St. Mary's County, 1767-1768,
1776-1777; justice. Court of Oyer, Terminer, and
Gaol Delivery, St. Mary's County, commissioned
1771 and 1772; commissioner to oversee construc-
tion of an almshouse, St. Mary's County, ap-
pointed 1773; Board of Trustees, Charlotte Hall
School, appointed 1774; collector of gold and sil-
ver coin. St. Mary's County, appointed 1776. MIL-
ITARY SERVICE colonel, by 1764. OUT OF STATE
SERVICE: delegate. Continental Congress, 1777-
1780 (elected in December 1777, but did not at-
tend until 1778; reelected in November 1778 and
December 1779); presidential elector, 1789.
93 slaves, 1790. Received £1,000.0.0 currency from
the estate of Richard Lee (ca. 1707-1787), which
was the dowry promised to him when he married
Lee's daughter, Hannah. LAND AT FIRST ELEC-
TION: ca. 14,000 acres in St. Mary's, Prince
George's, Baltimore, Dorchester, and Frederick
counties, plus a house and lot in Annapolis and
a house and lot in Benedict Town (all inherited
from his father in 1755). WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED.
on February 10, 1792, at Annapolis, while hold-
ing the office of governor. Plater's funeral serv-
ices were held in Annapolis; he was buried at
"Sotterly." PERSONAL PROPERTY, no inventory
survives, but his will mentioned legacies of
£2,000.0.0 currency; property sold during the set-
tlement of his estate was appraised at $6,465.65.
LAND: ca. 14,000 acres in St. Mary's, Montgom-
ery, Caroline, Prince George's, and Queen Anne's
counties, 1 lot in Nottingham, Prince George's
County, and 3 lots in Carrollsburg, Prince George's
PLOWDEN, EDMUND (1751-1804). BORN: in
1751 in St. Mary's County. NATIVE: third gen-
eration. RESIDED: in St. Mary's County; from ca.
1773 to 1804 Plowden's home was "Bushwood,"
in Lower St. Clement's Hundred, St. Mary's
Plowden (ca. 1696-1758), of All Faith Parish, St.
Mary's County, son of George Plowden (ca. 1655-
1718) and Margaret Brent. MOTHER: Henrietta
(?-1796), daughter of Gerard Slye (1679-1733)
and wife Mary Boarman Gardiner (?-1745).
BROTHERS: George; Francis Jarrett (?-1788). SIS-
TER: Margaret Brent, who married Henry Neale.
MARRIED on December 5, 1779, Janet (Jane) (1759-
1804), daughter of William Hammersly (?-1790)
of "Bachelor's Hope," St. Mary's County. Her
brothers were Francis, who married Elizabeth;
Henry. Her sisters were Ann (?-1805), who mar-
ried John Digges (?-1783); Mary, who married
(first name unknown) Brooke; Elizabeth (Bet-
sey), who married (first name unknown) Llew-
elyn; and Nelly, who married (first name un-
known) Neal. CHILDREN. SONS: George, who died
at 2 years of age; Edmund (?-1856); William
Hammersly, who married Henrietta, daughter of
Col. James Fenwick of St. Mary's County; Charles
(baptized 1794-died at 5 years of age). DAUGH-
TERS: Elizabeth, who married in 1807 Lewis Ford,
Esq. of St. Mary's County; Mary (1784-1827),
who married in 1808 Judge John J. Jenkins (1786-
1845) of Charles County; Janet (Jane), who died
at 3 years of age; Margaret Brent, who died at 1
year of age; Ann Harriet, who died at 2 years of
age; and Anna Cecelia. who married in 1826 Gen-
eral William Hickey, secretary of the U.S. Sen-
ate. WARD: appointed guardian of James Eden,
son of Townshend Eden of St. Mary's County,