AND ACTIVITIES: called Gent, on arrival; in 1692
called "A Scotch Irish Man" and a chief supporter
of illegal trade with Scotland. OCCUPATIONAL
PROFILE: planter; merchant. PUBLIC CAREER. LEG-
ISLATIVE SERVICE: Associators' Convention,
Somerset County, 1689-1692; Grand Committee
of Twenty, 1690-1692. OTHER PROVINCIAL OF-
FICES: naval officer, Pocomoke, 1689-1697; agent
to England, 1690; justice, Provincial Court, 1691-
1697. LOCAL OFFICES: justice, Somerset County,
1687-1692 (quorum). MILITARY SERVICE: cap-
tain, 1689-1691; major, 1691-1697. STANDS ON
PUBLIC/PRIVATE ISSUES: active supporter of rev-
olution of Protestant Associators, 1689. WEALTH
300 acres. WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED, probably on
June 7, 1697, but a letter of administration on his
estate was not granted until October 21, 1697.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: TEV, £629.0.10 current
money (including 4 servants, 4 slaves, a sloop,
and one-eighteenth part of a brigantine). LAND:
at least 450 acres.
KING, ROBERT (1689-1755). BORN: on August
29, 1689, at "Kingsland," on the south side of a
tributary of the Annamessex River called Trading
Branch (later called King's Creek), Manokin
Hundred, Somerset County. NATIVE: second gen-
eration. RESIDED, at "Kingsland," Manokin
Hundred, Somerset County; Accomack County,
Virginia, ca. 1747; Somerset County at death.
1697). MOTHER: Mary. SISTERS: Madam Mary
(1674-1744); Eleanor. NEPHEWS: John Henry (ca.
1714-1781), Robert Jenkins Henry (ca. 1712-1766).
MARRIED first, by 1715, Priscilla, daughter of Neh-
emiah Covington (?-ca. 1713) and wife Rebecca
Den wood. Priscilla was the niece of Thomas Cov~
ington (?-1708/9); and Mary Denwood, who
married Roger Woolford (?-ca. 1701/2). Her
brothers were Nehemiah (1680-?); Levin (1685-
1725). Her sisters were Elizabeth (?-ca. 1729),
who married Benjamin Wailes (?-ca. 1728/29);
Sarah (1683-1755), who married first, Edward
Lloyd (1670-1718/19), and second, James Holly-
day (1696-1747). Her first cousins were Elizabeth
Denwood (1674-1736), who married George Gale
(1671-1712); Roger Woolford (1670-1730); Mary
Woolford (ca. 1663- ?), who married Henry Hooper
(ca. 1643-1720); Elizabeth Woolford (1664/65-
1739), who married first, ThomasEnnalls (?- 1718),
and second, William Holland (?- 1732); and Sarah
Woolford (1672/73-by 1730), who married Gov-
ert Lookerman (ca. 1681-1728). Her nephews were
James Hollyday (1722-1786); Henry Hollyday (ca.
1725-1789); Edward Lloyd (1711-1770); and
Richard Lloyd (ca. 1717-1786). MARRIED second,
by 1747, Anne (?-1788), widow of Thomas Blair
(?-1740), daughter of the Rev. Francis Makemie
(ca. 1658-1708), founder of organized Presby-
terianism in America, and wife Naomi Anderson,
the stepdaughter of James Kemp (?-1722). Her
sister was Elizabeth (ca. 1700-1708). Her first
cousin was Elizabeth Taylor (?-1762), who sub-
sequently married William Whittington (ca. 1681-
1756). Anne subsequently married George Hol-
den (?-1774) of Virginia. CHILDREN. SONS: Rob-
ert (?-1752), clerk of Worcester County; Ne-
hemiah (?-1766), who married Francis Barnes.
DAUGHTER. Mary Elizabeth (1715-1739), who
married Abraham Barnes (?-ca. 1778). WARD: John
Henry (ca. 1714-1781). PRIVATE CAREER. EDU-
CATION, literate; left legacies to his grandsons for
"a liberal education." RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION:
Presbyterian, Manokin Presbyterian Church,
TIES: Gent., by 1719; Esq., by 1745. OCCUPA-
TIONAL PROFILE: planter, by 1723. PUBLIC CA-
Somerset County, 1722-1724 (Laws 1-3), 1725-
1727 (Laws 1-4), 1728-1731, 1734/35-1737
(Elections 1, Cv, 2-4; Accounts 1, Cv, 2-4), 1738
(Elections; Accounts), 1739-1741 (Accounts Cv-
3; appointed speaker on June 11, 1741), 1742-
1744 (Laws 1; Accounts 1,2), 1745 (Accounts),
1745/46-1748 (Accounts Cv 1, 1-3, 4), 1749-
1751 (Accounts Cv-3). OTHER PROVINCIAL OF-
FICES: agent, appointed under the Supply Act of
1740 to disburse currency out of the Loan Office
for an expedition against the Spanish Indies; agent,
appointed under the Supply Act of 1746 to dis-
burse currency out of the Loan Office for an at-
tack on Canada; member of the commission ap-
pointed by the governor in 1744 to treat with the
Indians of the Six Nations claiming lands on the
Susquehanna and Potomac rivers. LOCAL OF-
FICES: elder, Manokin Presbyterian Church,
Somerset County, 1723, 1749; justice, Somerset
County, in office 1725-1752 (quorum 1725-1726,
1731-1733, 1738, 1740, 1743, 1745-1748, 1750-
1752); justice, Court of Oyer, Terminer, and Gaol
Delivery, in office 1736-1747 (quorum 1742, 1743,
1747); member of the commission appointed by
the Assembly to establish Princess Anne Town,
1733. MILITARY SERVICE: captain, 1724-1726;
major, 1727-1733; colonel, 1734-1755. STANDS