DEATH: sold at least 800 acres in Charles and St.
Mary's counties, plus one-fourth part of a mill
and mill lands in St. Mary's County and 1 lot in
Leonardtown, 1764-1772. WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED.
in 1772 in St. Mary's County. PERSONAL PROP-
ERTY: TEV, £118.8.1, plus 4,899 pounds of to-
bacco; FB, £0.16.6, plus 4,899 pounds of tobacco.
LAND: at least 700 acres in St. Mary's County.
KILTY, JOHN (1756-1811). BORN, in 1756 in
London; elder son. NATIVE: first generation; im-
migrated as a minor, probably with his father, by
1771. RESIDED: in Anne Arundel County; Balti-
more City, 1796-1803; in Annapolis, living on
West Street in a house owned by his father-in-
law's estate, 1803-death. FAMILY BACKGROUND.
FATHER: Capt. John Kilty (?-ca. 1785), captain
of the ship Polly, which made regular voyages to
Annapolis from at least 1766, and active in the
preparations for Maryland's naval forces during
the early years of the Revolution. MOTHER: Ellen
Ahearn (?-by 1782). BROTHER: William (1757-
1821), a surgeon in Maryland's 5th Regiment,
1778-1780, and in the 4th Regiment, 1781-1783.
William, who later became a lawyer, compiled
The Laws of Maryland (Annapolis, 1799) and
served as chancellor of Maryland from 1806 until
his death. He married in 1790 Elizabeth Middle-
ton (?- 1807) of Calvert County. MARRIED on May
9, 1792, Catherine (Kitty) (ca. 1774-1838),
daughter of Allen Quynn (ca. 1726-1803) and wife
Elizabeth. Her brothers were William (?-1784);
Allen, Jr. (?-ca. 1803); and John. Her sisters
were Mary (Polly); Sophia; and Elizabeth. CHIL-
DREN. SONS: William (probably 1794-?); Richard;
George A. (ca. 1805-1825), who died at La
Guayra, Venezuela; and Augustus H. (1807-
1879), a rear admiral in the U.S. Navy. DAUGH-
TERS; Ellen, who married in 1827 Capt. Jacob
Schmuck (ca. 1792-1835); Mary; and Elizabeth,
who married in 1820 Robert Wilson, Jr. PRIVATE
CAREER. EDUCATION: at St. Omer's, France. RE-
STATUS AND ACTIVITIES: Gent. , by 1791 ; founding
member of the Society of the Cincinnati. ADDI-
TIONAL COMMENT: authored The Landholder s
Assistant and Land Office Guide, printed by G.
Dobbin and Murphy, Baltimore, 1808; began a
history of Maryland, but died before completing
it. His inventory lists a variety of musical instru-
ments — 2 pianos, a bass violin, and a violin —
and a large collection of music books, as well as
an extensive library of volumes in English, French,
and Italian. Kilty's obituary in a Baltimore news-
paper begins, "His demise is truly an irreparable
loss to a numerous family, to the state, and to
society in general." OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE, of-
ficeholder; planter. PUBLIC CAREER. STATE OF-
FICES: member, Executive Council, 1785-1786,
1786-1787, 1787-1788, 1788-1789, 1789-1790,
1790-1791, 1792-1793, 1793 (declined to serve);
clerk of the Council, 1793-1795 (resigned); reg-
ister, Land Office, Western Shore, 1803-1811.
LOCAL OFFICES: common councilman, Annapolis,
1806-1807; alderman, Annapolis, appointed 1807.
MILITARY SERVICE: ensign in Captain Norwood's
Company, Third Battalion, Maryland Militia, July-
December, 1776; 2nd lieutenant, Fourth Mary-
land Regiment, December 1776-1777, taken
prisoner at Germantown, October 1777; 1st lieu-
tenant, Baylor's Corps, Third Regiment, Conti-
nental Light Dragoons, November 1777-1782;
captain, February 1782; retired November 9, 1782;
brigadier general, Eighth Brigade (Anne Arundel
and Calvert counties), Maryland Militia, June-
December, 1810; adjutant general, Maryland Mi-
litia, 1810-1811. OUT OF STATE SERVICE: SUper-
visor of the revenue of the United States in Mary-
land, appointed by President Washington, June
PROPERTY: assessed value £352.0.0, including 10
slaves and 6 oz. plate, 1783. Owed a debt of
$1,000.00, 1802. Purchased 6 slaves and livestock
prior to 1810, but mortgaged them to his brother
William as security for cash, notes, and bonds
from him totalling $1,582.57. LAND AT FIRST
ELECTION: ca. 307 acres in Anne Arundel County
(inherited from his father). SIGNIFICANT CHANGES
received 400 acres in Allegany County for his
Revolutionary War service; sold 200 acres of this
land in 1796. Sold all of his land (ca. 314 acres)
in Anne Arundel County, 1798. WEALTH AT DEATH.
DIED: on May 27, 1811, in Annapolis; memorial
erected to his memory in St. Anne's Parish Cem-
etery, Annapolis. PERSONAL PROPERTY: TEV,
$6,407.33 (including 8 slaves, 224 oz. plate, and
90 books); FB, estate overpaid $9,778.53. Debts
included $4,264.96 to the Farmers Bank in An-
napolis and over $6,000 to his brother William
Kilty. LAND: probably none in his own name,
except 200 acres in Allegany County, although
his inventory suggests that he was engaged in
KING, ELIAS (?-1706/7). IMMIGRATED: by 1679.
RESIDED: in Kent County. MARRIED in 1699 Mary
(?-1702), widow of Charles Tilden (?-1699).