chased 9 acres in Worcester County, 1792.
WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED: between January 31
and February 14, 1809, in Worcester County. PER-
SONAL PROPERTY: TEV, $4,186.44 (including 11
slaves, 4 oz. old silver, and books); FB, $2,820.69.
LAND: 129 acres in Worcester County.
1630s, probably in Virginia; probably third son.
IMMIGRATED, in 1659 as a free adult from Vir-
ginia. RESIDED: in Anne Arundel County. FAMILY
BACKGROUND. FATHER: probably Matthew How-
ard, of Lower Norfolk County, Virginia. MOTHER:
probably Ann. BROTHERS: Samuel; John; Matthew
(ca. 1640-1692/93), who married Sarah Dorsey;
and Philip, who married Ruth Baldwin. SISTERS:
Elizabeth, who married Henry Ridgeley (?-1710);
Ann; and Mary, who married John Hammond
(1643-1707). NEPHEWS: Charles Hammond (ca.
1670-1713); Thomas Hammond (?-ca. 1724/25);
John Hammond (ca. 1665-1742/43); and Matthew
Howard (ca. 1675-1750). NIECES: Sarah Howard,
who married first, John Worthington (1650-1701),
and second, John Brice (?-1713); Hannah How-
ard, who married first, Charles Hammond (ca.
1670-1713), and second, Edmond Benson (1687-
1734). ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: a relationship to
Matthew Howard and wife Anne, who were in
Virginia in the early 1630s is almost certain; when
the family was living in Virginia they had close
ties to Edward Lloyd (ca. 1620-1696) of Mary-
land. MARRIED Elizabeth. CHILDREN. SONS: Cor-
nelius (ca. 1670-1717), a member of the Mid-
dleneck Parish Vestry, Anne Arundel County,
from 1693 to 1697, who married Mary, daughter
of John Hammond (1643-1707); Joseph (1676-
1736), a member of the St. Anne's Parish Vestry,
Anne Arundel County, in 1713, who married first,
Hannah, daughter of Edward Dorsey (?-1705), sec-
ond, Anne, and third, Margery. DAUGHTERS: Sa-
rah; Mary; and Elizabeth, who married first, An-
drew Norwood, second, Andrew Wellsley, and
third, Charles Kilbourne. PRIVATE CAREER. EDU-
two others on his arrival in Maryland in 1659, two
more in 1661, and another in 1662; no title on ar-
rival in the colony. OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE:
Lower House, Anne Arundel County, 1671-
1674/75. LOCAL OFFICE: justice, Anne Arundel
County, 1679. MILITARY SERVICE: ensign, 1661.
ELECTION: ca. 1,300 acres. WEALTH AT DEATH.
DIED: will probated on October 15, 1680. PER-
SONAL PROPERTY: TEV, 53,515 pounds of tobacco
(including 2 servants). LAND: over 1,370 acres.
HOWARD, EPHRAIM (1745-1788) BORN on
December 3, 1745, in Queen Caroline Parish,
Anne Arundel County; fifth child, second son.
NATIVE: fifth generation. RESIDED: at "Talbott's
Resolution Manor," Elk Ridge Hundred, Anne
Henry Howard (1707-1773), son of Joseph How-
ard (?-1736). MOTHER: Sarah (?-1791), daughter
of John Dorsey. BROTHERS: James (1744-?); John
Beale (1748-1788), who married Rebecca Boone;
Vachel Denton (1751-1778), captain of a cavalry
unit in the Continental Army of Virginia; and
Joshua (1752-?). SISTERS: Rachel (1732-?), who
married in 1751 Dr. Joshua Warfield (?-1759);
Sarah (1733 / 34-?), who married first, (first name
unknown) Green, and second, (first name un-
known) Nelson; Onner (1740-?), who married
first, (first name unknown) Warfield, second, (first
name unknown) Davidge, and third, (first name
unknown) Wilkins. MARRIED Achsah (1746-
1799), daughter of John Dorsey (1708-1765) and
wife Elizabeth Dorsey (?-1803); granddaughter
(paternal) of Caleb Dorsey (1685-1742); niece of
both Edward Dorsey (1718-1760) and Mary Dor-
sey (1725-ca. 1787), who married John Ridgely (1-
1771). Her brothers were Caleb (1740-1795), who
married first, Sophia Dorsey, and second, Rebecca
Hammond; John (1751-1796), who married Mar-
garet Boone; and Richard (1756-1826), who mar-
ried Ann Wayman. Her sisters were Elinor (1743-
?), who married Richard Stringer; Ann (1748-?),
who married Philemon Dorsey; and Elizabeth
(1753-?), who married (first name unknown) Bur-
gess. Her first cousins were Thomas Dorsey (?-
1790); Harry Dorsey Gough(ca. 1745-1808); Elea-
nor Dorsey (ca. 1739-1805), who married John
Hall (1729-1797); Rebecca Dorsey (1739-1812),
who married Charles Ridgely (1733-1790); Mary
Dorsey (?-1816), who married John Weems (1727-
1794); Charles Ridgely, o/ JohnV-ca. 1787); Deb-
orah Ridgely (1749-1817), who married John Ste-
rett (1750/51-1787); Mary Ridgely (?-1804), who
married Benjamin Nicholson (?-1792); and Elea-
nor Dorsey, who married Upton Sheredine (1740-
1800). CHILDREN. SONS: Henry (?-1817), a physi-
cian, who married in 1803 Rebecca Bond; Brutus
(?-1816); Cincinnatus (?-by 1799); and Ephraim
(after 1783-1811), who died without progeny.
DAUGHTERS Sarah, who married Charles Elder;
Achsah (?-1788); and Elizabeth (?-1826), who was
described by her sister in 1820 as having been in a
"deranged state for many years past." PRIVATE