cation and status brought him immediate appoint-
ment to high offices and a recommendation for a
seat on the Council. OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE:
Lower House, Somerset County, 1708 A, 1708B-
1711 (Laws 1^0. LOCAL OFFICE chief justice,
Somerset County, 1708/9-1712. MILITARY SER-
VICE: major, 1707; lieutenant colonel, 1711/12-
PROPERTY: £1,000 bequeathed from his first wife.
LAND AT FIRST ELECTION: at least 400 acres,
probably more. WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED: in Au-
£3,348.12.5 sterling (including 10 slaves, silver
plate worth £28, one-half interest in the sloop Dol-
phin, one-half interest in the Bonetta, one-half in-
terest in the Mulberry, part interest in the Cumber-
land surveying instruments, a microscope, and
GALE, GEORGE (?-ca. 1772). BORN: of age in
1727; probably second son. NATIVE: second gener-
ation. RESIDED: in Somerset County. FAMILY
BACKGROUND. FATHER: George Gale (1671-1712).
MOTHER: Betty (1674-1736), daughter of Levin
Denwood and wife Priscilla. BROTHERS: Levin
Gale (ca. 1704-1744); John Gale (?-ca. 1744); and
Matthias (?-1748). NEPHEW: Levin Gale (ca. 1730-
1791). NIECE. Mary Gale (ca. 1734-?), who mar-
ried Samuel Wilson (1735-1790). OTHER KINSHIP:
his great-nephew was George Gale (1756-1815).
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: his father's first wife was
probably Mildred (?-1701), widow of Lawrence
Washington (1650-1698), and the daughter of
Col. Augustine Warner, of Gloucester County,
Virginia. She was the grandmother of George
Washington (1731/32-1799). MARRIED by 1736
Elizabeth. CHILDREN. No surviving children. PRI-
AFFILIATION: Anglican. His father was an Angli-
can; his mother was a Quaker. SOCIAL STATUS
AND ACTIVITIES: Gent., 1736; Esq., 1760. OCCUPA-
TIONAL PROFILE: merchant; probably a planter.
House, Somerset County, 1742-1744 (Laws 1; Ac-
counts 2). LOCAL OFFICES: commissioner to estab-
lish a town at the head of the Manokin River,
Somerset County, appointed 1733; justice, Court
of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, Somer-
set County, commissioned 1742; justice, Somerset
County, 1757-at least 1762. MILITARY SERVICE:
colonel, ca. 1744. WEALTH DURING LIFETIME.
LAND AT FIRST ELECTION: possibly ca. 2,900
acres in Somerset, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Cal-
vert, and Baltimore counties. WEALTH AT DEATH.
DIED, will probated on January 11, 1772, in Som-
erset County. PERSONAL PROPERTY: TEV, at least
£1,982.5.5 current money (including 34 slaves and
more than 74 books). LAND: possibly 2,588 acres
in Somerset, Dorchester, and Cecil counties.
GALE, GEORGE (1756-1815). BORN: on June 3,
1756, in Somerset County. NATIVE, fourth genera-
tion. RESIDED, in Somerset County until ca. 1794;
Baltimore County, 1794; on the Susquehanna
River, Cecil County, 1795-1815. FAMILY BACK-
GROUND. FATHER: Levin Gale (ca. 1730-1791).
MOTHER: Leah Littleton, his father's first cousin,
daughter of Levin Gale (ca. 1704-1744). BROTH-
ERS. Levin; Lyttleton (?-1815); and Robert. SIS-
TER: Leah. OTHER KINSHIP: his great-uncles were
George Gale (?-ca. 1772) and John Gale (?-ca.
1744); his second cousin was Mary Gale (ca.
1734-by 1790), who married Samuel Wilson
(1735-1790). MARRIED Anna Maria (1756-1817),
daughter of Henry Hollyday (ca. 1725-1789);
granddaughter of George Robins (1697-1742);
niece of James Hollyday (1722-1786), Margaret
Robins (1734-1808), who married William Hay-
ward (?-1791), and Henrietta Maria Robins
(1736-1791), who married James Lloyd Chamber-
lame (1732-1783); half niece of both Richard
Lloyd (1717-1786) and Edward Lloyd (1711-
1770). Her brothers were Henry (?-died young);
Thomas; James Hollyday (1758-1807); and Henry
(1771-?). Her sisters were Henrietta Maria (1750-
1832), who married Samuel Chamberlaine (1742-
1811); Sarah (1753-?); Rebecca (1762-?), who
married Nicholas Hammond (1758-1830);
Elizabeth (1768-?); and Margaret (1774-?). Her
first cousin was Henrietta Maria Chamberlaine (?-
1804), who married William Hayward, Jr. (ca.
1758-1834). Other relatives included great-aunt
Elizabeth Robins (1710-1746), who married Wil-
liam Goldsborough (1709- 1760). CHILDREN. SONS:
Levin (1784-1834), a representative to the U.S.
Congress from 1827 to 1829, who married in 1813
his first cousin Harriet Rebecca (1783-?), daughter
of Samuel Chamberlaine (1742-1811); George
(1794-1863), who married Anna Maria Dove
(Done); and Henry Hollyday (1797-1800).
DAUGHTERS: Anna Maria (1782-1847); Leah (ca.
1785-1857), who never married and died in
Baltimore County; Henrietta Maria Elizabeth,
who married in 1811 her first cousin Henry Cham-
berlaine, son of Samuel Chamberlaine (1742-
1811); Sarah (Sally) Hollyday, never married; Har-
riet (1796-1830), died without progeny; Margaret
(1797-1798); and Georgianna (1803-1856), who
married Cornelius McLean (1807-1861), of