lic General Laws, relating to licenses, as amended
by chapter one hundred and four of the acts of eigh-
teen hundred and eighty-two, entitled an act to
amend section twenty of article fifty-six of the
Code of Public General Laws of this State, title
"License," sub-title "Hawkers and Pedlars," as
amended by chapter three hundred and fifty of the
acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, entitled
an act to repeal section twenty-one of article fifty-six
of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to the
licenses of hawkers and pedlars, as amended by the
acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, chapter
ninety-seven, and to re-enact the same with amend-
"Home of the Incurables," in Baltimore city..........
No. 509. An act to enable and authorize the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore city, and the County Com-
missioners of Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester and Wi-
comico counties, to endorse the bonds of the Balti-
more and Eastern Shore Railroad Company, for the
purpose of having and maintaining a more perfect
connection by railroad from the city of Baltimore