No. 500. An act to pay to F. M. Griffith and others,
the deficiencies due in their salaries as employees
of Tobacco Warehouse Number Four......................
No. 501. An act to continue in force act of eighteen
hundred and seventy, chapter two hundred and six,
entitled an act to create State Banking Institutions
to enable the several banks in the State, State and
National, to avail of the provisions thereof.............
No. 502. An act to repeal chapter two hundred and
ninety of the acts passed at the January session of
eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled an act to
protect the election of voluntary political associa-
tions, and to punish frauds therein, by adding cer-
tain sections to the Code of Public Local Laws,
article four, title "City of Baltimore," under the
new sub-title "Primary Elections." and to enact the
following sections in lieu thereof ..........................
No. 503. An act to repeal section fifteen of the act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at its
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, entitled an act to repeal section fifteen of the
act of the General Assembly, passed at its session
of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter one
hundred and fifty-three, entitled an act to provide
for inspection of steam boilers in the city of Bal-
timore, and tore-enact the same with amendments..
No. 504. An act to repeal section sixty-four of article
seventy-five of the Code of Public General Laws,
relating to "Pleadings, Practice and Process," as
amended by chapter two hundred and eighty-three
of the acts of the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-four, and as repealed and re-enacted
and amended by chapter one hundred and forty-one
of the acts of the January session, eighteen hundred
and seventy-eight, and to re-enact said section
No. 505. An act to repeal and re-enact with amend-
ments sections four and five of chapter four hundred
and sixty-four of the acts passed at the January ses-