No. 477. An act to regulate the inspection and sale of
commercial fertilizers in the State of Maryland .....
No. 478. An act to appropriate the sum of money
therein mentioned to pay the claims of George D.
McClure,. Frederick Price, H. Freeman, Edward
Mahoney, assignee of W. B. Goddard, George Tarl-
ton, John Cummings, Samuel F.Butler, W. H. Hance,
S. L. Kroh, Frank Scott, T. M. Pearce, J. V. Roach,
Patrick Roach, Mary J. Taylor, assignee of Philip
Raley, Robert Posey, J. W. Nelson, E, N. Carpenter,
Henry H. Sinclair and Walter Ensor, for money due
for services rendered in State Tobacco Warehouse
Number Two.......................................................
No. 479. An act to pay to William L. Dorsey and
others, the deficiencies due in their salary as Clerks
in the State Tobacco Warehouse Number Four........
No. 480. An act to prevent sales of any goods, wares
or other merchandise by way of gift enterprise in
packages or otherwise, and providing a penalty
' 794
No. 481. An act to amend section one of an act passed
at the January session of the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, chapter two hundred and three,
entitled an act to incorporate the Maryland Institu-
tion for the Instruction of the Blind, by changing
the name of the said corporation...........................
No. 482. An act to declare the sanction and consent
of the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest
of four hundred dollars, contained in the last will
and testament of Henrietta C. Long, late of the city
of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, de-
ceased, to the Vestry of All Hallow's Parish, at Snow
Hill, in Worcester county, Maryland..................
No. 483. An act to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel county to build
bridges over Back creek and Cat Hole creek, in the
Second Election District of Anne Arundel county.