No. 1. An act directing the Governor, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint one ad-
ditional Justice of the Peace fop the First Legisla-
tive District of Baltimore city......................
No. 3. An act to repeal sections one, ten, fourteen and
thirty of article eleven of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Frederick county," sub-title " Alms-
house," as amended by the act of eighteen hundred
and eighty-four, chapter two hundred and forty-
two, and to re-enact said sections with amendments,
and to add further sections thereto, to be designated
fourteen A and thirty A...........................
No. 4. An act to authorize the Commissioners of Easton
to levy upon the taxable property of Easton an addi-
tional tax of five cents in the one hundred dollars,
for the purpose of enabling the Commissioners of
said town to furnish water to said corporation ......
No. 5. An act to authorize the election of two mem-
bers of the Board of Directors of the Annapolis
and Baltimore Short-Line Railroad Company, in
addition to the seven Directors authorized by the
tenth section of the act of the General Assembly
of Maryland, passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-six, chapter two hundred and
forty-two ........................................
No. 6. An act to prevent the pollution of streams,
wells, springs and other sources of water-supply
used for drinking and domestic purposes in this
State ..........................................