Steata Boiler f ngpeclions.........
402 of 1884.......................
1,958 31
1,953 31
State Stock for Redemption ..............................................................
289 of 1882......................
5,000 00
5,000 00
State's Subscription to Braniley:s Law and Equity Reports.................................
244 of 1882......................
3,353 00
3,353 00
Sinking Fund — Amount transferred for the Purchase of Stock.............................
383 of 1882.....................
493,365 26
493,365 26
Surplus Revenue — Amount transferred to Free School Fund................................
402 of 1884 ....................
34,069 36
34,069 36
To Prevent the Spread of Infectious or Contagious Disease among Cattle ................
157 of 1882.....................
3,091 47
3,091 47
$2,202.086 67
And there remained in the Treasury September 30th, 1885...................................
$747,407 33