No. 13.
Joint Resolution requiring receipts from
State Tobacco Warehouse to be credited by
the Comptroller to the Tobacco Fund.
WHEREAS there are several State wharves in
the city of Baltimore attached to the State
Tobacco Warehouse .lots, and which have
been purchased and paid for under the sev-
eral loans issued by the State, for the pur-
pose of purchasing lots and building tobacco
warehouses thereon, which several loans have
all been redeemed and extinguished by the
net receipts from the State Tobacco Ware-
houses and the wharves adjacent thereto, as
appears from the reports of the Comptrollers;
WHEREAS the annual net receipts from the
State Tobacco Warehouse wharves were, in
accordance with acts and resolutions of the
General Assembly, accredited by the Comp-
troller to the Tobacco Fund account till the
several loans above referred to were re-
deemed and liquidated, to wit, till the year
eighteen hundred and fifty-three; and
WHEREAS it is eminently proper that such re-
ceipts from said wharves should continue to
be accredited to said Tobacco Fund so that
it can at any time be ascertained how said
fund stands with the State; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the
Comptroller of the Treasury to credit the To-
bacco Fund account kept upon his books with
the receipts from said State Tobacco Ware-
house wharves from the month of May, in the
year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, up to