tion, for braving the peril and severity of the
Arctic Regions, upon a mission of humanity,
which was crowned with success.
Resolved, That as a memorial of the skill,
foresight and determination of the Comman-
der of said Expedition, and of its results,
which added lustre to his State and Country,
the Governor of this State be and he is hereby
authorized to procure and present to Com-
mander Winfield Scott Schley, U. S. N., a gold
chronometer watch, with the following in-
scription: "The State of Maryland to Com-
mander Winfield Scott Schley, U. S. N., for his
heroism and memorable service in rescuing
Lieutenant A. W. Greely, U. S. A., and six of
his comrades from death, at Cape Sabine, in
the Arctic Regions, on June 22nd, 1884."
And be it further resolved, That the cost of
said testimonial shall be paid by the Governor
out of the Contingent Fund placed at the dis-
posal of the Executive.