the order of P. A. Kroh, former Inspector, and
in favor of John K. Carroll, for the sum of
seventy-five dollars and twenty-five cents, for
goods furnished State Tobacco Warehouse
Number Four, on the order of P. Dorsey Carr,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to regulate the inspection and sale
of commercial fertilizers in the State of
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That every package of
commercial fertilizer sold, offered or exposed
for sale for manurial purposes within this
State, shall have plainly stamped thereon the
name of the manufacturers, the place of man-
To stamp ma-
ufacture, the net weight of its contents, and
an analysis stating the per centum therein
contained of nitrogen, or its equivalent in am-
monia in an available form, of potash soluble
in water, of available phosphoric acid, of mois-
ture, and the materials from which said nitro-
gen, or its equivalent in ammonia, phosphoric
acid and potash are derived, with an allowance
of not more than two per centum variation in
the amount of ammonia, three per centum of
the amount of phosphoric acid, and one per
centum of the amount of potash.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every manu-
facturer, importer or dealer in commercial
fertilizer, shall, before selling or offering to
Take out li-
sell any commercial fertilizer within this
State, take out a license for the sale of ferti-
lizer, which license shall be rated upon the