demised, that the said lease or estate is fully
ended and expired, that due notice to quit as
aforesaid had been given to said tenant or
person in possession, and that he or they had
refused so to do, the Justice shall there-
upon give judgment for the restitution of the
possession of said premises and shall forth-
with issue his warrant to the Sheriff command-
ing him forthwith to deliver to the lessor, his
or her heirs, executors, administrators or as-
signs possession thereof in as full and ample
When Jus-
tice shall give
manner as the lessor was possessed of the
same at the time when the leasing or letting
was made, and shall give judgment for costs
against the tenant or person in possession so
holdingover; any tenant who shall feel him-
self or herself aggrieved by such judgment
of said Justice, shall have the right of
appeal therefrom to the Circuit Court of
the county, or City Court of Baltimore city,
upon giving notice of his or her desire so to
appeal within ten days from the rendition of
said judgment, and if said defendant shall file
with said Justice, to be by him transmitted with
the papers in said case to said Court, a good and
sufficient bond, with one or more securities,
conditioned that he or they will prosecute said
appeal and well and truly pay all rent in arrear
and all rent which shall accrue pending the
determination of said appeal, then the tenant
or person in possession of said premises may
retain possession thereof until the termina-
tion of said appeal, and in case the judgment,
of said Justice shall be affirmed, a warrant as
aforesaid shall be issued to the Sheriff by the
Court so determining the same, who shall pro-
ceed forthwith to execute the same; if the
judgment of the Justice shall be against the
lessor he shall have the right of appeal at any
time within ten days after said judgment shall
have been rendered, and the Court to which