stamped, printed or stenciled word oleomar-
garine, in type or letters as aforesaid, to wit :
in plain Roman letters not less than half an
inch square, placed horizontally in proper
order thus, "OLEOMARGARINE," conspic-
uously on the outside of each and every par-
cel, piece or package so sold, that the buyer
To lable.
shall be apprised of the nature of the article
which he or she has bought; and every sale of
each and every imitation of butter, known to
the trade as oleomargarine, or any of its genus
whether butterine, suene or any name that
may be given or applied to it or them, either
wholesale or retail, not so stamped, branded,
stenciled, marked or labeled, shall be void,
and no action or actions shall be maintained
for the price thereof.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That no retail dealer
shall sell or offer for sale any of the articles or
substances mentioned in the first section of
this act, which are not the legitimate and
direct product of the dairy, except from a re-
ceptacle upon which the word oleomargarine
is distinctly stamped, branded or stenciled, as
Retail dealer.
provided in the said section, which said re-
ceptacle so stamped, branded or stenciled as
aforesaid, shall be kept in plain view of all
persons to whom such substances or articles
shall be sold or offered for sale, so that the said
inscription can be easily read by any one
purchasing from such retail dealer.
SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any dealer
who is asked for butter by any purchaser or
intended purchaser of the same, to sell or to
offer for sale to such purchaser, or intended
purchaser, any of the substances or articles
Dairy butter.
mentioned in section one of this act, which
are not the legitimate and direct product of
the dairy, and not made exclusively of milk
or cream, even though the packages or parcels
in which such substances or articles are sold
or offered for sale are stamped, branded,
printed or stenciled as hereinbefore provided.