For the support of the Militia of the State,
to be expended under the supervision of the
Governor, fifty thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for the salary of
the Adjutant-General of the State, fifteen hun-
Salary of
eral, &c.
dred dollars; and for contingent expenses of
his office, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid
out of the appropriation for the support of the
Militia; and the balance of said appropriation,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, for
the maintenance of the Militia in the various
counties of the State and in the city of Balti-
For the payment of pensions granted by the
various acts and resolutions of the General
Assembly to Mrs. Sarah Ann Watson, Mrs.
Julia A. Dorsey and William Brown, during
their natural lives, in accordance with the pro-
visions of resolution sixty-three of eighteen
hundred and forty-nine, chapter two hundred
and twenty-eight of eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, and chapter two hundred and
sixty-nine of eighteen hundred and seventy,
five hundred and twenty dollars.
For the system of free Public Schools (white
and colored) in the several counties and the
city of Baltimore, and for the State Normal
School and the State Board of Education, to
be apportioned by the Comptroller in accord-
For Free
Public Schools,
ance with the laws in such case made and
provided, and the direction herein given, five
hundred thousand dollars, or whatever sum
may be paid into the Treasury on account of
the tax for Public Schools, also such other
sum or sums as may be received to the credit,
of the Free School Fund from the tax on the