in. this act shall be construed or held to au-
thorize any Justice of the Peace to have juris-
diction in any case where the title to land is
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That on the day
for holding the election in November, eigh-
teen hundred and eighty-six, the Judges of
Election in the above named Dames' Quarter
How to vote.
District, shall receive tickets, written or
printed, from the legal voters of said district,
on which shall be written, or printed, "For
Fence," or, "Against Fence," and shall deposit
them in a separate box provided for the pur-
pose, and the said tickets shall be counted
and returned as other ballots are, and the re-
sult of said count shall be returned to the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Somerset county,
whose duty it shall be to proclaim the result
by publication in at least one newspaper in
said county, within ten day after the returns
shall have been received by him; and the
Sheriff shall give notice of their election as in
cases of other elections; and the said election
shall be in all respects subject to and governed
by the election laws of this State so far as
they are applicable thereto; and if at said
election a majority of the votes cast at the
said election in the said district shall be cast
for fence, then the provisions of this act shall
continue in force in the said Dames' Quarter
Election District, and if a majority of the
votes cast shall be "Against Fence" in said
district, the provisions of this act shall not
apply to the said district, but shall be abso-
lutely void and of no effect.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.