said districts, and shall make a separate written
return of said whole vote to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Cecil county, and said Clerk
shall record said returns among the records of
his office, and shall prepare a certificate pro-
claiming the result of such election in said
county, and cause said certificate to be pub-
lished within ten days after said returns have
been received by him, once in all the newspa-
pers published in said county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if it shall
appear by the returns of said Judges, and cer-
tificate of said Clerk, that a majority of said
votes have been cast "Against license" for the
sale of spirituous or fermented liquors, intox-
icating drinks or cider, then the following sec-
tions, from section five hereof to section four-
teen, inclusive, shall be added to the Public
Local Laws of Cecil county, under the sub-
title "Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquors/'
to take effect January the first, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-seven.
SEC. 5. It shall not be lawful, after the first
day of January, in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty- seven, for any person or persons,
or any house, company or association, or body
corporate, to barter or sell, directly or in-
directly, or to solicit or receive orders for the
purchase of, at any place within the limits of
Cecil county, or to give away at hie, her, their
or its place of business within the limits of said
When effect-
county, any spirituous or fermented liquors or
alcoholic bitters, or intoxicating drinks of any
kind, or cider, tonic beer, lager beer, schnapps
or gin, or any article used and sold as a bever-
age, in the composition of which whiskey,
brandy, high wines or alcohol, or any spiritu-
ous or fermented liquors shall be an ingredi-
ent or ingredients, nor shall any license be
granted for the sale of the same therein.
SEC. 6. No person, persons, house, company,
association or body corporate, shall, after the
Unlawful to
barter, sell, &c.