ing or relocating of any street or alley, or
parts thereof, which in their opinion the pub-
lic welfare or convenience may require; to
provide for ascertaining whether any and
what amount in value of damages will be
caused thereby for which the owner or pos-
sessor of any property through which said
street or alley-way may pass, ought to be com-
pensated by the appointment .of Commission-
ers to assess the same, the number of said
Commissioners to be designated by the Coun-
cil, to provide for assessing and levying either
generally upon the whole assessable property
within the town or specially on the property
of persons benefited, the whole or any part of
the damages and expenses which shall be in-
curred in laying out, opening, extending, wi-
dening, straightening or relocating such street
or alley, or parts thereof, and grading the same;
to provide for collecting and paying the com-
pensation awarded to any person before any
such street or alley, or part thereof, shall be
laid out, opened, extended, widened, straight-
ened or relocated, and to enact all ordinances
from time to time, necessary for the proper
carrying out of the powers hereby granted ;
provided, that before they shall proceed to
execute any of said powers, at least thirty
days' notice shall be given of any applica-
tion which may be made for the passage
of any such ordinance by advertisement in
at least two newspapers printed in said
town or by hand-bills; and provided, fur-
ther, that upon the return of any assessment
of damages or benefits, or both, made under
any ordinance passed under this section, the
Clerk of said town shall cause a copy thereof
to be published once a week for four succes-
sive weeks in two newspapers printed in said
town or by hand-bills; and provided, further,
that whenever said Mayor and Council open,
lay out, extend, widen, straighten or relocate
any street or alley, or any part or parts thereof,
they shall establish, and if in their judgment
proper so to do, they shall grade the same.