the town; to levy a tax on dogs; to pass all ordi-
nances necessary to define the duties of the offi-
cers of the corporation, and have power to en-
force their ordinances by fines and penalties ;
they shall have power to appoint one or more
Assessors who shall under oath, to be admin-
istered by the Mayor, value and assess the
property of said town, including all property
liable to State and county taxes, and shall
have power to collect the same as other debts
are collected.
SEC. 113. No person elected and qualified as
Mayor or member of the Council shall, during
the time for which he was elected, hold any
other office of profit or trust created or to be
created by the Mayor and Council of Oakland,
or by any law relating to said town, or hold
any employment or position, the compensation
of which shall be paid directly or indirectly
out of the town treasury, nor shall any such
person be interested either directly or indi-
rectly in any contract to which the town is a
party; nor shall it be lawful for any person
holding any office under the town to be inter-
ested while holding such office in any contract
to which the town is a party.
Not to derive
SEC. 115. The said Council may from time to
time cause an assessment to be made of all the
property, real and personal, in the town, by
three persons appointed by them, and any per-
son may appeal from the valuation made by
said Assessors to the Council and said Council
shall meet on the first Monday in June in each
year and remain in session one day or longer
if necessary for the purpose of hearing and
determining such appeals, due notice of such
meeting having first been given, and they may
at such meeting after examining the party ap-
pealing, or any other person, on oath, touching
the particular value of the property assessed ,
reduce or increase the assessment as may seem