SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to enable the qualified voters of Wi-
comico county to determine by ballot,
whether chapter eleven of the acts of the-
General Assembly, passed at the session of
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled
an act regulating fences in Wicomico county,
as amended by chapter sixty-five of the acts
of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, en-
titled an act to repeal sections one and two
of an act passed at the January session of
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter
eleven, entitled an act regulating fences in
Wicomico county, and to re-enact same with
amendments, shall be repealed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the question
whether or not chapter eleven of the acts of
the General Assembly, passed at the session of
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled
an act regulating fences in Wicomico county,
as amended by chapter sixty-five of the acts
of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled
an act to repeal sections one and two of an act-
Repeal Fence
Law — Submit-
ting to voters.
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, chapter eleven, entitled an act.
regulating fences in Wicomico county, and to-
re-enact same with amendments, shall be re-
pealed, shall be submitted to the registered and
qualified voters of Wicomico county at the gen-
eral election, to be held on the first Tuesday
after the first Monday in November, eighteen
hundred and eighty-six, and the Sheriff of said
county shall give notice of the time and pur-