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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said
Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
have full power and authority annually in the
month of February, at the first meeting afore-
said, to appoint a Treasurer for said town ;


and they shall also have power to appoint as
many Policemen and other officers as they may
deem necessary, and the said Policemen and
the Bailiff shall serve warrants and make ar-
rests for violations of the ordinances of said
town; and it shall be their duty to preserve
the peace and good order of said town; and
for these purposes the said Bailiff and Police-
men are hereby vested with the same powers
and authority as Constables of said county
now have under the laws of this State; and
said policemen and other officers shall receive
such reasonable compensation as said Com-
missioners shall deem proper; and the said
officers appointed under this section shall, be-
fore entering upon the duties of their office,
make oath before the said Commissioners
that they will faithfully and impartially per-
form the duties required of them respec-
tively, according to the best of their skill and
judgment, without favor, affection or preju-

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners shall have power to pass all ordi-
nances necessary for the good government of
the town; to prevent, remove and abate all
nuisances or obstructions in or upon the streets,
highways, lanes or alleys, drains or water-
courses, or in or upon any lot or lots adjacent

ers to provide
as follows.

thereto, and to provide for imposing a fine or
fines upon any person or persons causing or
creating any such nuisance or obstruction; to
remove or cause to be removed houses or other
structures that may be dangerous to persons
passing along and over any of the highways of
the town; to make reasonable regulations in
regard to buildings to be erected in said town,
and to grant building permits for the same ;
to make and establish grades upon the streets
and highways of the town; to cause the side-

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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