erty, or be conspicuously posted on the prem-
ises, together with a notice that if the said bill
for taxes, interest and costs is not paid within
thirty days, the property levied upon will be
sold at public sale, a,nd the said Treasurer is
hereby authorized to expose any property so lev-
ied upon at public sale, at the expiration of the
thirty days, he having first given twenty days'
notice of the time and place of sale by advertise-
ment in one newspaper published at Towson-
town, and by printed hand-bills publicly posted
on the Court House door, and at least ten places
in the district where the property is located,
one of such notices to be placed upon the prem-
ises; personal property may be sold upon ten
days' notice by hand-bills so posted in the dis-
trict and at the Court House door; any adver-
tised notice of sale under the provisions of this
act, shall be deemed sufficient if it contains the
hour and place, the year or years for which
taxes are due, to whom assessed, the district
To advertise.
where located, the quantity of land, if there
be record evidence thereof, and a reference to
the book or folio where the deed for said prop-
erty may be found, and the date of the deed :
in no case shall a description by metes and
bounds be necessary, nor shall a greater sum
than four dollars be paid for any newspaper
advertisement thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.