SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be
the duty of every county Health Officer, im-
mediately after his appointment, to transmit
the Secretary of the State Board of Health
his full name and postoffice address; he shall
keep an accurate record of the proceedings of
the Local Board of Health of which he is the
Secretary, as well as his own official acts, and
furnish a copy thereof annually, in the month
of October, to the Secretary of the State Board
of Health, together with such other informa-
tion in regard to the sanitary condition of his
county as he may deem interesting or valuable
for publication in the biennial report of the
State Board of Health.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever
any local or county Health Officer shall receive
reliable notice, or shall otherwise have reason
to believe that there is within the limits of Ms
sanitary jurisdiction a case of cholera, small-
pox, or other disease dangerous to the public
health, he shall immediately investigate the
matter and take all proper steps for the re-
striction or suppression of such disease or dis-
eases, and the said County Commissioners may
incur and pay as other county expenses are
paid the necessary and legitimate expenses
thereof; he shall promptly notify the Secre-
tary of the State Board of Health of the ex-
istence of any epidemic or unusual sickness or
mortality that may corne to his knowledge
within his own sanitary jurisdiction or con-
tiguous thereto, and when thus informed, it
shall be the duty of the Secretary of the State
Board of Health to co-operate with and aid
the local health authorities in making scien-
tific and practical investigation into the cause
or causes of any existing disease, or in devis-
ing the most efficient means for its restriction
or suppression, or for the exclusion of any
threatened disease; and to this end he may ex-
ercise all the powers of the State Board of