hundred and eighty-four, be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read
as follows :
39. There shall be the following number
of Justices of the Peace and Constables for
Montgomery county: For the first election
district, three Justices of the Peace and three
Constables; for the second election district,
three Justices of the Peace (one of whom
shall reside in Clarksburg and one in Hyatts-
town) and two Constables; for the third elec-
tion district, two Justices of the Peace (one
of whom shall reside in Poolesville) and two
Constables; for the fourth election district,
three Justices of the Peace (one of whom
shall reside in Rockville) and three Consta-
bles (one of whom shall reside in Rockville) ;
for the fifth election district, four Justices of
the Peace and three Constables; for the sixth
election district, two Justices of the Peace
and two Constables; for the seventh election
district, two Justices of the Peace and two
Constables; for the eighth election district,
three Justices of the Peace (one of whom
shall reside in Sandy Spring) and two Consta-
bles; for the ninth election district, three
Justices of the Peace (one of whom shall re-
side in Gaithersburg) and two Constables
(one of whom shall reside in Gaithers-
burg); for the tenth election district, two Jus-
tices of the Peace and two Constables; for
the eleventh election district, three Justices
of the Peace (one of whom shall reside in
Barnesville) and two Constables; for the
twelfth election district, two Justices of the
Peace and two Constables.
Justices of
the Peace and
Constables for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts or
parts of acts which are inconsistent with this
act, be and the same are hereby repealed to
the extent of said inconsistency.
acts repealed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act
shall take effect from the date of its passage ,
Approved March 10, 1886.