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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to give and grant the sanction and con-
sent of. the General Assembly of Maryland
to sundry gifts devises and bequests of So-
phia Price, of Baltimore city, to the Trustees
of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church
South, of Baltimore city.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the sanction and

consent of said General Assembly be and is
hereby granted and given to the following gifts,
devises and bequests to and for the use of the
Trustees of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
Church South, of Baltimore city, by Sophia
Price, of Baltimore city, as set forth in her last
will and testament :

Sanction and
consent of the
General As-

First. To the Trustees of St. Paul's Metho-
dist Episcopal Church South, of Baltimore city,
two hundred dollars, to be applied for the use
and benefit of the poor and indigent members
of said church.


Second. To the Trustees of St. Paul's Meth-
odist Episcopal Church South, of Baltimore
city, two hundred dollars, to be applied by said
Trustees for the use and benefit of said church.

Bequest to

Third. To the Trustees of St. Paul's Metho-
dist Episcopal Church South, of Baltimore city,
two hundred dollars, to be applied for the use
and benefit of the Sunday-School of said

To Sunday

Fourth. To the Trustees of St. Paul's Metho-
dist Episcopal Church South, of Baltimore city,
six hundred dollars, to be applied for the use
of Foreign Missions of M. E. Church South.

Fifth. To the Trustees of St. Paul's Metho-
dist Episcopal Church South, of Baltimore city,
one-half of all the rest and residue of the

To Foreign


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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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