List of Resolutions.
1 . Requesting the Governor to issue a commission to
the Hon. Arthur P. Gorman, Senator elect in the
Congress of the United States from this State,
for the term of six years, from the fourth day
of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven...
2. Joint Resolution relating to the publication with
the laws of the Comptroller's statement of the
receipts and expenditures of the public money..
3. Joint Resolution of respect to the memory of Gene-
ral W. S. Hancock, Major-General United States
Army..................................... ;,.....................
4. Joint Resolution requesting the Senators and Rep-
resentatives of this State in Congress, to urge
the passage of House of Representatives Bill
No. 4846, for the construction of a bridge over
the Eastern Branch of the Potomac river, at the
foot of Pennsylvania avenue, in the city of
5. Joint Resolution relating to that part of the bound-
ary line between Maryland and West Virginia,
from the Fairfax Stone to the Mason and Dixon
6. Joint Resolution pertaining to the defence of the
Sea Coast of the United States from a foreign
7. Joint Resolution requesting Congress to appropriate
money to make a continuous navigation from
Chincoteague bay, in Virginia, to Delaware bay,
at or near Lewes, Delaware.............................
8. Joint Resolution directing the State Librarian to
subscribe in the name of the State, to two hun-